I suggest you wait for the BB Storm ... a take off on the Apple iPhone.
I'm not overly excited about my Curve ... even after a year I still don't find it user friendly. They are too cheap to provide a printed manual to flip through and instead put it on a computer disk so you have to 'read' it that way...and there will be many features you won't be able to figure out without it. I still can't find the 'redial' button on it, and there's no mention of it in the 'manual'...so I assume you have to manually redial it instead. If you have big fingers, forget it - get a real phone.
BB gets a huge amount of free publicity in movies, TV, talk shows, etc. as `the`phone for business. You have arrived if you have one apparently. I bought the RIM stock when it was about $40 a share and sold it at $122 for a nice profit, just before the big fall recently.
Unfortunately, I like toys and thought I'd like all the features, but find I don't use many. The bluetooth is great in my car. I thought I would like getting emails on my phone but now resent giving up some privacy as a result - especially because my laptop is always with me anyway and I can hook into emails with WIFI and no cost.
My contract is up next year and I'm probably going to Apple unless the Storm excites me. BB announced it`s behind a little in getting it out, but it`s coming very soon.