Well not really
There is no contract here due to that silly little clause in the ebay disclaimer that says the auction is not binding. Tom is correct under "common law auctions". Many of us (even I) have overlooked that ebay clause and that causes problems when it gets before a fact finder. As unfair as it may sound, the $400 should go back. The only specific performance obtainable here in the judicial system (small claims or Judge Judy's Court) would be an escort out the door (also known as a boot). Unfortunately, Marylyn does not even qualify for what the law calls in some jurisdictions incidentials. Reading between the lines, the buyer sounds like she feels badly, so you (Marylyn) should draft and send a nice but firm letter (email) indicating some of the suggestions above and follow it up with a copy to her certified mail if you have her address. But if you try to enforce these things, you are going to lose.
Seems like there was offer, acceptance and consideration paid. It would be binding contract.
That said if she won't sign the transfer papers then you would have to seek specific performance from a court, expensive and the court will probably not give it...
There is no contract here due to that silly little clause in the ebay disclaimer that says the auction is not binding. Tom is correct under "common law auctions". Many of us (even I) have overlooked that ebay clause and that causes problems when it gets before a fact finder. As unfair as it may sound, the $400 should go back. The only specific performance obtainable here in the judicial system (small claims or Judge Judy's Court) would be an escort out the door (also known as a boot). Unfortunately, Marylyn does not even qualify for what the law calls in some jurisdictions incidentials. Reading between the lines, the buyer sounds like she feels badly, so you (Marylyn) should draft and send a nice but firm letter (email) indicating some of the suggestions above and follow it up with a copy to her certified mail if you have her address. But if you try to enforce these things, you are going to lose.