Yes, all ts chains have salespeople who keep you to wear you down. Bring the paper that says it is 120 minutes and tell the reception and the salesperson that you are only staying 120 minutes. On checkin, get the name of the sales manager and pick up both business cards from the counter ... the resort manager and the CEO. place all these papers on the desk in front of you when you go to the salesperson's office. Bring some work to do for those times when they leave and pretend to talk to their manager (similar to a car dealership)... i used to take my laptop

Feel free to go to the restroom or to get a coffee or snack to break up the time.
There are various certificates handed out ... most have strict activation and usage dates and restricted access to trips. You likely have to attend another sales presentation as a condition of use. Most of them require that you haven't attended a presentation or EOL for the previous 6 months so i never can use them. I used a 3 nighter at Royal Kona Hawaii once to add onto a regular week vacation nearby so that was good.
You'll give your cc on checkin, don't let thrm charge it again. They might want to briefly look at it and your ID is all. Don't sign up for Barclays card, dont sign permission for them to do a credit check.
Just be in charge of the discussion. Most people don't understand the sales process. Google Grant Cardone... he is the sales trainer Diamond uses. Steer the discussion don't let them steer it. Make them answer your questions. I bring a list of questions for them to answer. Be polite. If they yell and berate smile and remember the times your young kids did that. If they ask why you are smiling ask them how old they are then tell them they remind you of your 8 year old daughter.
Anyway i've just come back after a great EOL here at Mystic Dunes, free bar and gourmet food during the 'pairings party' for Diamond's LPGA tournament with performances by musicians Colt Ford then BoyzIIMen. So i'm rambling.
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