A friend of mine posted an article on FB (about 4 days ago) called "The Risks - Know Them - Avoid Them", by Erin Bromage, an associate professor of Biology at Dartmouth. This is a quote from that article: "When you think of outbreak clusters, what are the big ones that come to mind? Most people would go to the cruise ships. But you would be wrong. Ship outbreaks don't even land in the top 50 outbreaks to date." The article goes on to mention that the biggest outbreaks to date (outside of nursing homes) are in prisons, workplaces like meat packing facilities and call centers, and religious ceremonies like weddings and funerals. Business networking conferences also account for some large outbreaks. Anyway, it is an easy and interesting read.
I certainly have no expertise to evaluate the statements in the article, but it seems as though cruise ships might not be that bad with regard to the virus, at least compared to other environments. Not saying I am ready to board a ship now or even in August, but we have a preexisting reservation for a cruise after Thanksgiving, and for now, are holding on to it. I am not surprised others are ready to at least consider going sooner and are making that apparent by making reservations.
We all shall see...