TUG Member
We own a deeded week at Roark in Branson MO that we use to trade into RCI. They have been bought by Capital Resorts Club who say the resort needs "extensive" renovations. They have given all members three options during the takeover. 1) pay $8200 to keep our week (which is more than the original purchase price and not an option) 2) pay about $2000-3000 and get 150,000 points with Capital Resorts Club or 3) pay three years worth of dues and they take the contract back over. Since we currently are on weeks through RCI, we aren't sure how the points transfer into RCI and what they are worth. RCI says they can't tell us since we aren't on the points system. Does anyone have an idea what they would be worth? I'm thinking the whole thing is shady and tempted to walk away from it, but if there is value in it, it may be worth it to stay.