I still haven't seen Hamilton and still not sure if I really want to see it. Then I got some information about $49 tickets in San Francisco. Since we will be there at the end of February I took a look. Yes, there were $49 seats, but not in areas I'd want to sit in. So, I won't be going. I know that everyone I know who has seen it has raved about it.
I like theater, and I especially like interesting theater. Where we live, touring casts in decent shows are kind of rare, and the performances in Seattle are only for a few dates. Like maybe a week? Theater season ticket holders get the good seats, and unless you like nosebleeds, its tough seeing shows from good seats at the few theaters in Seattle that host touring casts of things.
As it happens, Hamilton in SF is there for several months. I think that may be why the seats are less than you expected - those who want to see it have likely already been there. In our case, I checked on a whim, and got excellent sixth row seats in SF for less than half of what similar seats sell for in Seattle, on the rare times they're available.
As to the topic and how the show is performed - I'm fine with all of it. Just like with the movies, I suspend disbelief in the name of entertainment. We saw Warhorse on Broadway several years ago, and it was the most riveting, believable theater experience I'd ever had - despite the main character being a six-foot wireframe puppet. Two minutes into the performance, that horse came to life, and was REAL. It was incredible.
I'll let you know what I thought of Hamilton after we get home on Wednesday.