You are a brave one! I am with you! Where do you get your meds? Walmart? Really- this is how I feel now. I will pay the $545 premium for the month or so I am still living in NY, but as soon as I move I will apply for Obamacare, a Silver Plan. I will also have to pay for the retiree medical for one more month to allow for the Obamacare plan to take effect- which will probably be 3/1. The cheapest one with low copays. I don't care anymore. I can keep $400 per month in my HSA instead of giving it to these despicable health insurance companies.
I was hoping once we moved I could put this cr0()^0p behind me but I will still have to deal with it once there to get it taken care of finally. Hubby's Medicare also. I am literally burnt out from all this. I want to concentrate in moving and be happy. Instead- I am getting more and more depressed.
I had looked up my key meds and found I could get 90 day supply from Costco for 20 each, so figured I'd head over to CVS and find out what they were charging me for scrips they already have for me. I was shocked to find it was $4, so, I'm going where I was going, when I had insurance that allowed 0 cost meds, and the last, more expensive/less good exchange plan, when they generally cost me 18.
It seems to me that Walmart was indeed the one leading the charge for $4 meds (how many years ago? I don't hear about it anymore ) and apparently, others have followed suit. Anyone with pricey meds might wanna do a simple internet search, see if they can cut their costs. I would have paid the 150/month cuz I MUST have this one, and rationed if I had to but checking into it, 20 was going to be fine with me. 4 blew my mind.
One of my doctors thinks I'm diabetic (I do not think so, kinda-fasting level was 105 and not showing other symptoms). Hard to say what that would cost me but Type 2 mostly shows up from bad lifestyle so less eggs, more oatmeal, less sugar snacks, more fruit snacks. Not a chip or cola person, so no hard deprivations to get onboard with. I've always been active, there is not lack of exercise here. I'm not overweight, 130 at 5'4", same I've been most of my adult life, but apparently the BMI is not ideal to them and they think I should weigh 115, which I haven't seen since age 14. They apparently don't account for boob weight. Perhaps if I'd had a double mastectomy I would finally meet their level. sheesh.