Well, today was hell on the phone with this health insurance stuff. I know more than anyone I called. Hours on the phone- I am so tired of trying to get to the bottom of this.
Back in November my husband's employer told us to enroll in active employee health insurance during open enrollment so just in case for some reason he didn't retire we would be covered. Ok- made sense so we did. We just received notice that we have been disenrolled- ok - right. Hubby is retired now.
I also got notice that I am now enrolled in retiree medical at a premium of $545 per month and I can enroll in COBRA if I want for $16 per month less. No thanks. I am leaving well enough alone. (originally the benefits dept told me I would have to enroll in one or the other, but it turns out I was automatically enrolled in retiree medical. Once again- no one knows what they are talking about).
So, as I mentioned, first I try to find out what the network is in NH where we are moving. Turns out that on the employer website where I access this info. it is stating everything is out of network except a few docs in VT and upstate NY. Huh? Same plan but different network from active employees who now have the Premier network, We evidently have the Choice POS II network, which we had last year. The employer benefits dept had assured me for months that the plan was the same and there was a network in NH so I was good to go. ???
On top of this, we received insurance ID cards for the ACTIVE employee plan of which neither of us is a part of, so those cards are useless. Very upset, I yet again call, but now there is another number I have to call for Quantum Health, who is handling stuff for the employer and also find out that the Aetna networks and claims are now handled by a company called Meritain. Here we go- more convolution!
Suffice it to say I was on the phone a looooong time, even getting the employer benefits person to be on the phone with me with the so - called care coordinator at Quantum because she did not even know anything about what was involved. I had complained about the lack of in network providers- the employer benefits rep. is actually very good to deal with but even she did not know about the difference in networks.
I explained I need a card. Asked me when my MD appt was. Told them I don't have one but what if I needed to see a doc or go to the hospital and I have no card? I originally was told I could just keep using my old card. That the doctor's office could call to get confirmation. Really? Well guess what? I called the Aetna phone number on that card and they do not have any info on me! Do they know what a nightmare it would be if I had to go to a doctor or hospital? No one cares!
I call another employer benefits coordinator again this evening. She is rushing me off the phone. Telling me active and retiree medical cards are being sent this week. Really? I got the cards this week and they are the ones for active employees! I ask her when I will be billed. She says 1/10 and expect the bill within 15 days after that. I tell her we will be moving, can I pay on line. She claims I can. You would think she would have volunteered this information.
I ask her what the stupid people do. She says they don't worry about anything. I bet.
Then I call Quantum again. I am paying $545 per month for a high deductible plan with no network? The guy tells me to go on this other website- can't even tell you how long that took- and to check off the Choice POS II plan on there and the network for NH would show up. That box stated it was Choice POS II (Open Access). I ask him if he is sure it is what I have because my old card never said Open Access. He said it was, but I am not buying it. The devil is in all these little details with these notorious insurance companies!
He says once we update our new address with Allstate the networks will be more updated. Really? What does our address have to do with anything? This plan is not an EPO or an HMO! If that were true, why do a couple of VT providers 85 miles away come up as in network!? he then tells me when I make a doctpr appt to make sure to ask if the doc is in network. DUH? Really? And if you are very sick in an ambulence? OMG! I can't take it! How the heck can anyone make an informed decision about anything in this nightmare?!
For sure, once I move to NH, Obamacare it will be. For this kind of money, who needs this. A silver plan there with no deductible, and cheap copays is $103 per month for an income of $30,000 per year, which I will be talking to our financial advisor about this weekend. They have a clear network and frankly I don't even care. I am sick of it all. And the premiums would be cheap.
In NY, the Aetna plan is ok in terms of providers- I just need a card for proof. Once we move I will immediately apply for Obamacare. If something happens to me in the meantime I am just going to say I have no insurance. I am not going to fight this cr%$((p! anymore. It is complete BS.
I am a person that thinks government should not be involved in anything, including health care, but that will never happen and that is why I feel a system similar to Canada's is the best bet.
Did I mention that providers in NH I called- some did not even know what they took and another said hardly anyone accepts Aetna in NH? This only adds to my anxiety.
On top of this, I ask about my husband's pension lump sum money which is supposed to be released on Friday. Tells me to call our financial company (she referred to as a bank) to check because a notice was sent to them. I call and they have nothing.
I need to get ready to move. I am really tired of incompetence and misinformation. If I don't have a stroke before we move it will be a miracle.
Dealing with this and still dealing with the builder and his subcontractors who messed up a lot of stuff at the new house I don't know if I will ever be free and at peace. This whole retirement thing, the health insurance, and moving and buying and selling a house has zapped the joy right out of me.