Dave M
TUG Lifetime Member
Nor was it I, but there are now enough links to this thread that anyone who relies on TUG for travel info should be able to find it.
Tompalm was very thoughtful in taking the time to post the information from Aloha, especially considering that as a pilot on Aloha he is now out of a job. Good luck to all of you!
I had to scurry to change my flights from Aloha to UAL for our May flights. Technically, I made reservations on UAL and have to get my MR Visa account credited for my Aloha flights. I am within the 90 day limit on the purchase, so the Visa representive made it sound like it won't be a problem. We'll see. I'll finalize that tomorrow with Aloha or Visa or both. Also have to finalize the UAL flight. It's on hold until tomorrow midnight. I got the flights for $30 less than my original change from Aloha (which was already economical), so I'm money ahead. Wasn't expecting that. The UAL person said that they may not know for a couple days exactly how UAL will handle this situation. In the meantime, since I had an easy way out, I took it.
My greater concern is for the Aloha personnel. Beside losing their jobs, I assume this blows away their retirement plan, in one way or another. Hopefully it's not as bad as all that.
Worst case scenario- we are on Maui now and got our tickets through Cheap Tickets (and they weren't even cheap) that departed on ATA and was supposed to return on Aloha this Saturday. After nearly two hours on the phone with different people I understand that with Aloha up in smoke, ATA holds our return ticket responsibility. The first flight they have availability is eight days later then our original return. They suggested calling back in the morning. That's reassuring... :annoyed:
We could have originally booked an ATA return for less $ but we have had good Aloha experiences in the past so went with them. That was a big mistake!
Glenn, any luck today? I suppose worst case, you book an extra week on Maui and the kids have a good excuse to miss school? Sorry to hear about all the trouble, what a mess for all of you traveling . At least it's warm there. Maybe you could visit another island at the end of the week and get another flight out earlier? Not sure what I would have done if something like that happened to me last week. I hope it works out.
Today ATA told me that I need to call back tomorrow. That's what they said yesterday. At least they sound like they accept responsibility but I don't understand how they are going to all these extra people off the island on time. I have to work on Sunday, my wife on Monday and the kids are in high school- definitely not a time when we can take another week of vacation.
I'm going to put my head in the sand for now. We're doing the drive to Hana today. Last time we did it was 19 years ago when we swore we'd never do it again. Could be an interesting day overall- long drive with three kids in the back who don't want to go, parents stressed about lack of transportation home..
After all this they said no and well speaking to me in said the prices just went up again so United is taking advantage of this because many people with Aloha tickets were transfered to United.