Hey guys,
I'm new to this forum, but i come to you with some information that may be useful here. I'm very sorry if this type of post is not allowed, if my post violates any of your rules please accept my apology and delete the thread.
I would like to start out by saying this is going to be quite a long post, however I believe it to be worth the read to prevent yourself from being defrauded or if you're looking for updated information on how to get back your money dealing with Sunset and their merry band of bandits.
anyways I digress...
On January 2023 me and my girlfriend we're staying at Ocean Spa Resort in Cancun Mexico, we were offered a heavily discounted vacation package in exchange for attending a presentation. The concierge arranged for us to attend the presentation at Hacienda Tres Rios in Playa Del Carmen (one of their much nicer resorts). I actually enjoyed the presentation, the salesmen wasn't aggressive and they seemed very forthcoming with information even going as far to show me their booking website, how to use it, etc.. I decided to buy for a couple thousand [I wont disclose the amount due to the confidentiality clause in the contract, but the amount was rather insignificant for me] which was to include 4 weeks a year, plus an additional 4 extra free weeks, cruise certificate and a two for one airfare, 50% cashback on all purchase made through their booking site.
After leaving I decided to do some research into the program and Sunset as a whole and to say the least I was petrified, nobody and I mean nobody has anything good to say about Sunset or their program. I immediately contacted them via e-mail and CC'd PROFECO for evidentiary purposes stating I wanted to cancel my contract pursuant to Article 56 of the Mexican Consumer Protection Law. I was ignored for a few days until the salesmen contacted me via WhatsApp to try and reason with me, I stuck to my guns, he eventually relented and told me he would forward my request to the cancellations department. So I'm thinking everything is fine, I got back home to Canada, but still nobody is reaching out. I contact them via email again stating that they're approaching their 15 day limit to issue the refund and I may be forced to dispute the transaction with my card issuer. They stated that my case has been referred to the board of directors for a resolution and I will be contacted shortly. Imagine my shock when I wasn't contacted shortly, I decided to call them and they gave me a WhatsApp number for the person handling my case, I contacted her and she told me she would phone me the next day, well... she didn't (Keep in mind we're in mid February by this point). I wrote her again and she said she would phone me the following day and that "The money invested would be retained" I stated that this was completely unacceptable and not legal under Mexican law and that not only would I file a complaint with PROFECO I would also dispute the charges with my card issuer which could potentially have their merchant account flagged/closed for fraud. This rather bright and intelligent individual said to me "that law is for timeshare, you are not purchase a timeshare you purchase a package of discounts", She also has some ramblings about how I waived my rights, etc.. I Kept trying to explain to her how the law works and its scope, the impossibility of waiving your rights and as you may have guessed that didn't work. I told her that if she was not going to comply with the law I will just go ahead and file the dispute and she has the audacity to say to me "ok we will send the page that you sign, that not apply any refund" after I had already explained that my rights cannot be waived.
I contacted my card issuer and filed the dispute, I wrote up a very long summary of events(I will post the example template a little later when I remove any identifying information, its very good and I believe may help some people in the same situation). I am also in the process of filing a formal complaint with PROFECO, I don't believe this will do much good, but keeping them bogged down and busy with complaints may help keep the heat on them and eventually the Government may get sick of wasting resources on this criminal origination and hold their feet to the fire. Lastly, I am in the early process of finding a lawyer to sue for punitive and moral damages, not expecting much but any amount won would be great.
I hope my post helps somebody out there, or at least makes it to google for the people researching. I will post the template tomorrow after I have some time to comb through it. If you take anything from my post please under no circumstances buy from these people, if they cant respect the law, They most certainly will not respect your contractual rights of your agreement when you try to use it?
TLR Sunset World Resorts is a borderline criminal organization that will not honor the law, do not buy anything from them.
Thanks for reading guys, if you have any questions or want to discuss anything about my post I would love to chat.
[Sunset World link removed at request of poster]
I'm new to this forum, but i come to you with some information that may be useful here. I'm very sorry if this type of post is not allowed, if my post violates any of your rules please accept my apology and delete the thread.
I would like to start out by saying this is going to be quite a long post, however I believe it to be worth the read to prevent yourself from being defrauded or if you're looking for updated information on how to get back your money dealing with Sunset and their merry band of bandits.
anyways I digress...
On January 2023 me and my girlfriend we're staying at Ocean Spa Resort in Cancun Mexico, we were offered a heavily discounted vacation package in exchange for attending a presentation. The concierge arranged for us to attend the presentation at Hacienda Tres Rios in Playa Del Carmen (one of their much nicer resorts). I actually enjoyed the presentation, the salesmen wasn't aggressive and they seemed very forthcoming with information even going as far to show me their booking website, how to use it, etc.. I decided to buy for a couple thousand [I wont disclose the amount due to the confidentiality clause in the contract, but the amount was rather insignificant for me] which was to include 4 weeks a year, plus an additional 4 extra free weeks, cruise certificate and a two for one airfare, 50% cashback on all purchase made through their booking site.
After leaving I decided to do some research into the program and Sunset as a whole and to say the least I was petrified, nobody and I mean nobody has anything good to say about Sunset or their program. I immediately contacted them via e-mail and CC'd PROFECO for evidentiary purposes stating I wanted to cancel my contract pursuant to Article 56 of the Mexican Consumer Protection Law. I was ignored for a few days until the salesmen contacted me via WhatsApp to try and reason with me, I stuck to my guns, he eventually relented and told me he would forward my request to the cancellations department. So I'm thinking everything is fine, I got back home to Canada, but still nobody is reaching out. I contact them via email again stating that they're approaching their 15 day limit to issue the refund and I may be forced to dispute the transaction with my card issuer. They stated that my case has been referred to the board of directors for a resolution and I will be contacted shortly. Imagine my shock when I wasn't contacted shortly, I decided to call them and they gave me a WhatsApp number for the person handling my case, I contacted her and she told me she would phone me the next day, well... she didn't (Keep in mind we're in mid February by this point). I wrote her again and she said she would phone me the following day and that "The money invested would be retained" I stated that this was completely unacceptable and not legal under Mexican law and that not only would I file a complaint with PROFECO I would also dispute the charges with my card issuer which could potentially have their merchant account flagged/closed for fraud. This rather bright and intelligent individual said to me "that law is for timeshare, you are not purchase a timeshare you purchase a package of discounts", She also has some ramblings about how I waived my rights, etc.. I Kept trying to explain to her how the law works and its scope, the impossibility of waiving your rights and as you may have guessed that didn't work. I told her that if she was not going to comply with the law I will just go ahead and file the dispute and she has the audacity to say to me "ok we will send the page that you sign, that not apply any refund" after I had already explained that my rights cannot be waived.
I contacted my card issuer and filed the dispute, I wrote up a very long summary of events(I will post the example template a little later when I remove any identifying information, its very good and I believe may help some people in the same situation). I am also in the process of filing a formal complaint with PROFECO, I don't believe this will do much good, but keeping them bogged down and busy with complaints may help keep the heat on them and eventually the Government may get sick of wasting resources on this criminal origination and hold their feet to the fire. Lastly, I am in the early process of finding a lawyer to sue for punitive and moral damages, not expecting much but any amount won would be great.
I hope my post helps somebody out there, or at least makes it to google for the people researching. I will post the template tomorrow after I have some time to comb through it. If you take anything from my post please under no circumstances buy from these people, if they cant respect the law, They most certainly will not respect your contractual rights of your agreement when you try to use it?
TLR Sunset World Resorts is a borderline criminal organization that will not honor the law, do not buy anything from them.
Thanks for reading guys, if you have any questions or want to discuss anything about my post I would love to chat.
[Sunset World link removed at request of poster]
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