If you simply stop paying, you won't get any of the money back that you have already paid, but it's VERY doubtful that any collection or 'bad credit' report would follow you to where you live. You'll probably get threatening letters, but I don't think they have any 'teeth'.My wife and I went involved in this matter and bought at Holiday Inn Club Vacation in timeshare. After buying in April 2019 then several months passed to activate our account until debiting payments amounting to 4,500 dollars. But after activating the account I have tried to use but we had this deception we realize that what they sold to us at the moment does not work.
Now we can't make a reservation at national hotels in the Dominican Republic we can't book outside our conuntry because there is never availability. We want to end the contract and we would like to know what is the best way to end this deception so as not to pay something that we will never be able to use because we are in the Caribbean.
We would like to cancel this contract , this is a hoax and we were scammed....
Good Luck!