The 2011 News letter
If you follow the link attached and read the news letter in the PDF format , both are exactly the same; it sounds like they have been doing many repairs with the current MFs . They also talked about having trouble collecting the MF's in a timely fashion and are making other changes to policy regarding booking and paying MFs when you book your week . We noticed this a few years back and questioned this but did not receive an answer other than it was to assist in cash flow. In many businesses that require special orders it is always preferable to have payment up front so you are not stuck with the merchandise should the customer decline to accept once it has arrived at your facility, as it is already paid for and maybe you can sell it again. Maybe Northwynd was hoping you would pay for your MFs and they could rent it out again. This happened to us last year as we could not get over there because of the Alberta floods and road closures and once before because of a family death when we could not use the House boat. Upon contacting, explaining the situations and requesting did we get any consideration, return of deposits or anything other than that is to bad. Do we think they left the houseboat stay moored or the Hillside unit remain vacant when we could not use them. No is our belief.
Remember they talk about 2010 problems when they did not manage the property.
The other item they discuss is the Lessee/owners association which they claim was sent out with little response. We don't know about the other lessees but neither one of our E-mail addresses have changed since we purchased about 15 years ago and it has not appeared on any of our respective systems. So are they speaking again with forked tongue?
But we do have a Paid In full document unless they claim that went away when Northmont took over in mid 2010.
We are not confident that as they continue to morph and slither in various directions that this is viable for any of us. We have completely enjoyed all of our experiences at Fairmont and will be saddened to see it go.
A rattlesnake stuck in a wagon rut has no where to go