YES HAVE NOT PAID!Thank you very much for the information. Glad that our side of the truth is being heard. No more BS from MG.
By 76 not signed the release papers, does that mean there are 76 of us who have not paid?
YES HAVE NOT PAID!Thank you very much for the information. Glad that our side of the truth is being heard. No more BS from MG.
By 76 not signed the release papers, does that mean there are 76 of us who have not paid?
I want to say a big Thanks You to everyone who took the time to have their voice heard the last few months - I believe this added to the favorable information provided in Judge Young's recent supplemental decision and at today's hearing.
These are both WINS for us!!
People have heard us and are starting to do what they can to help - now we just need to put all the pieces they have given us together ourselves to move forward as I truly believe these Judges see we have been taken advantage of on many levels.
IT'S HUGE - Everyone has been given the opportunity to appeal the recent decision including Option 1 clients who Micheal Geldert and Northmont felt they already defeated.
Now along with complaining to the Law Society about Michael Geldert actions there is another opportunity to set things right related to Northmont.
Kirk was pretty pissed and left early after being ignored by his lawyer so in no way did he get his way today and hopefully the Court saw the real person who is treating us like a part of his game - that in itself was worth watching.
Both Counsel's lost and looked small today - today definitely didn't go their way and they had to tuck those tails in while they walked away defeated.
To the four people who stood up today and spoke - Thank You for your courage and representing all of us with your words!!!
Barry King - thanks for the pro bono work and we will make sure you are held accountable to follow the courts request and your offer to contact everyone to consent to release individual contact info in aiding us to get organized. If I were you it might be just easier and faster to just get Michael Geldert to send out an email with the entire contact list you conveniently didn't bring with you today.
I guess the real message is - we started a fight we believed in and are not going to give up
It appears this judge due to people having a voice today perhaps sees these people for who they are. Encouraging that option 1 people may even be allowed to appeal however contingency would be favorable as we are also on the E for further cash.
tswow has been AWOL for quite some time. I wonder why that is?
What we understood was that anyone who has not paid the settlement is entitled to continue with the appeal. It did not matter what option (or not option) you selected in December. Please correct me if I am wrong.
If he was to suffer from a case of spontaneous combustion , I could not bring it upon myself to micturate upon that person suffering from such an inflammation
I suspect that is because he wants to get familiar with the case. He has a lot of reading to do.That is what I heard as well...those who haven’t settled (in either options) can continue with the appeal.
Jud Virtue asked that those who have already settled should be released and the Justice did not agree or disagree. BUT the Justice didn’t see a necessity to do the release yesterday and wanted to adjourn all matters to deal with on May 10.
I was in touch with Civil court in Edmonton today, and was informed that at present there is a template of a Dispute Note" on file regarding NM. I filed my own "Dispute Note" as I wanted the real reason for the dispute registered (violation of the FTA 7.1). My dispute note will be on file as long as there is a judgement against me.My sincere THANK YOU for those who stood up and spoke for us all. Sounds like the judge was not just hearing but listening. A glimmer of hope!!
Wow, you've been terminated! So, no further interest charges by NM/KW after Feb. 1, 2018 and NO $16,000 cancellation fee? Also, NO 120% upcharge and certainly NO 162% extortion charge - only the Judge Young-assessed court fee. I like the sounds of that for those who held out compared to the "Settlement" deal that 100s of us in AB paid under pressure and in fear. I'm thinking this pending appeal has KW/NM nervous.Well, well, well things just keep getting more and more interesting. Just when you think we have seen everything another twist to this sordid tale appears.
Has anyone else received this? Wonder if they are going to do this to all of us eventually? Wonder if this could be considered new evidence?
Northmont Resort Properties Ltd.
#170, 551 - 71 Ave SE
Calgary, Alberta
T2H 0S6
Customer Service:
Telephone : 1-877-451-1250
Fax: 1-888-378-4477
Telephone : 1-866-663-6338
February 1, 2018
Dear Sunchaser Vacation Villas Owner
RE: Notice of Termination of Vacation Interval Agreements
You are hereby provided notice that the contracts ("VIAs") tied to the Vacation Interval Interests listed on the enclosed statement of account are hereby terminated effective February 1st, 2018.
As a reminder, this termination has no effect on your currently outstanding obligations and outstanding claim, as appropriate, against you for your current default.
You remain liable for all obligations under your VIAs for all outstanding balances and interest to the date of termination, including but not limited to, the 2018 maintenance fees.
Northmont Resort Properties Ltd.
5. The contracts have been changed when Fairmont became bankrupt and finally insolvent.
Each contract should have been consulted to see if they want to stay and continue.