Michael Geldert
Thank you for your recent update dated February 12th received like a thief in the night while I slept.
It clarified a lot of things and I will address them based on the how they appeared in the update.
Wow, over 2000 emails and phone calls in just a couple of weeks!!
You must feel very special to be in such high demand and think of the billable time you are wracking up. I guess intentionally failing to provide proper consultation on what you have done or fail to do is profitable when you create an opportunity to correspond with people individually opposed to efficiently summarizing common questions for entire group in an update.
Oh ya – question for you, the email I sent with questions was never answered and you just sent me a BS reply about Facebook conspiracy posts, is it included in the sum or was there thousands more you just chose to ignore if the questions were to difficult to answer or are you trying to hide something?
Related to this you created a distinct grouping and as such I hope you have initiated dividing billing appropriately. Any services you are now providing to Option 2 people like all their filings, consultations, and work you are having SLG do on their behalf are no longer billable to Option 1 people as their fate is already sealed and vise versa – please ensure to send them appropriate billing as our group is not responsible for paying for them from what we have paid already and the additional $250 fee you are charging as part of the Settlement Agreement.
Don’t forget to make some time to complete an account reconciliation for us all – we do want to know what we paid for and will be asking for the associated documentation for our files as our accounts will be paid in full so no denying us this information as we have paid in full then some.
Dispute with Northmont is guaranteed over for Option 1 people
I have my finger crossed as this is about as good as it gets and many people have come to the same conclusion there may be wholes in your date with David Wotherspoon to reach our settlement with Northmont.
Why because it is not spelled out 100% in the Settlement Agreement or provided as part of the Settlement Minutes as none of your clients have seen these to know the entire scope and tone of the negotiations.
It still doesn’t say in our update we are free of the Resort Villa Management debt just clear of our obligation to Northmont – can you get it right and just say that if that is what it means!!! If I still owe this debt I would be better off declaring bankruptcy now then just swirly around the outer edge of it.
Get those document in by Feb 15th
I liked this answer – at least it appears the exchange of our hard earned money withdrawn from RRSPs, borrowed from family members, and sums up over two years of after tax earnings for us has been done without giving Northmont the upper hand for the release of what should be an asset already paid in full Northmont needs to complete their plans to move forward.
Must admit the Settlement Agreement was quite confusing on this point and it definitely appeared it was a pay and pray sort of relationship to get our releases.
How did Michael Geldert own the negotiations at the Settlement Agreement Negotiations
In intense negotiations which lasted less than a day but took almost 5 years to get to he solely negotiated:
- Hardship for everyone
- A paltry 120% of our current outstanding bills to sell our lease back to the developer / resort manager
- Cancellation of Petitions that now allow Northmont to move forward with realignment and unilateral changes to our VIA contracts
- Unacceptable terms
- A built in 162% penalty if we don’t comply
What are we getting:
- An extra 2 weeks to pay millions of collective dollars
- The benefits of not using a negotiator or the Courts to act on our behalf if the two parties failed to arrive at amical terms
- Knowledge that Michael Geldert has screwed the entire Canadian Timeshare Industry based on the Court legal precedents he has set and totally abused the Courts to get us here
The Settlement Agreement is yours people – Own it!!!
Northmont has accepted Michael Geldert as our sole representative and neither party thought it wise for even one person from the litigation group to attend the negotiations or actually approve the Settlement Agreement minutes at the time they were created and actually participate in signing them with the parties involved while at the negotiations. Nothing like creating a potential conflict of interest and no wonder people are not lining up to sign for something they had no representation or part of and have been coerced to accept (if they actually do).
Ever wonder is this could be just one of many chinks in the armour of this eventually all falling apart?
Not that Michael has ever lied to us before but why is it even as late as last week Northmont has still allowed people to opt into the Settlement Agreement – Michael is there someone else doing your job so you don’t know this or are you just trying to scare us again into compliance?
Funny how we are bond to a Settlement Agreement completed December 14th and had the opportunity to opt out of by December 29th but only received it January 10th – still don’t believe you can consent to something before you receive it and then use extortion for people to accept it.
Failure to comply is not an option (sounds like something from Doctor Who)
Threats and penalties – so tired of hearing about these, time for a new line Michael. What about telling us the next part of the strategic plan.
Strategically for Northmont to move forward with their realignment they still need to get peoples VIAs and don’t want anyone with a backbone to remain at the resort – I bet a plan is in the works to send out notices to the effect that Northmont will provide individual notice your via has been terminated for people who fought this or are just sitting on the sidelines. Michael Gelder just gift wrapped a group of us with the negotiated Settlement Agreement and fired clients but the “delinquent” debt for everyone still exists so is it really a threat anymore not being able to get out?
Go figure – people are making mistakes
Guess there is a bit of complexity that should have been explained related to the Settlement Agreement and some lack of continuity in the January 10th update with all the details – no worries the billable time clock is running to answer the over 2000 calls and inquiries about this over the past couple of weeks (poor Michael probably hasn’t gotten any sleep – I didn’t trying to figure out if I would or could pay).
Kudos to the people who are making cheques out to “Resort Villa Management” not because they are making a mistake - they don't trust Michael Geldert or that his settlement includes this debt to Resort Villa Management people as being part of the settlement amount.
Others are trying to apply their own ingenuity by not signing or adding in comments to the effect they don’t agree and are doing so under duress – guess more billable time tracking down these people and trying to get them to comply (hope they unload on you and call you out for the type of person you are – you have their money and in my opinion are fare game to loss a strip or two while they still have your attention).
Hardship Clients
There are no acceptations, everyone is suffering hardship as a result of Michael Geldert’s actions.
- What happened in the Jeke trial that caused you to remove key pieces of evidence?
- What happened in the Super Conference where Justices told you this was better suited as a Class Action?
- What happened when Justice Branch or Judge Young spelled out deficiencies and you ignored them?
- What strategic purpose prompted Michael Geldert to maximise his own business returns by feedings us lies and mixed messages for his clients maximum loss?
So there are 128 people (about 10%) who have come forward and asked for help but I would bet the number is a lot higher. The people who are not coming forward are probably intimidated by the forms you want them to fill out detailing their assets and debts but you have put the fear of Northmont into them over the past 4 years and do you think they want them knowing everything financially about them?
For the 128 people who have applied is Michael Geldert going to make them complicate in a fraud as he has done with all of us who don’t pay because we could not pay – we were never asked if we could pay by Michael Geldert but he signed a negotiated Settlement Agreement that we could and would pay.
Questions for you Michael Geldert:
People are realizing that you have totally screwed them no matter what option they took and some are actually opting back in so at least they can have finally have closure with Northmont something you continually told us all along we would not get when it was previously offered.
How do you justify throwing people under the bus as a result of a 7 hour negotiation after taking almost 5 years to get everyone to this point?
People are not going to forgive and forget what you have done and a lot are just coming to the realization what you have done or failed to do but don’t worry a group of us are already working on that. Through educating others by meeting in small groups and detailing your failures others realize quickly this was not all the big bad monster out to get us but a failure to be represented properly.
Whatever Michael Geldert’s perception is – he has failed all his clients.
Given the nature of this group do you really think this is over?
My Regards,