Fifth Estate Fax: (416) 205-6668............. Market Place minutes -
Get up and dust yourself off....we have work to do.
Get up and dust yourself off....we have work to do.
Cool! Thanks for the contact information.Fifth Estate Fax: (416) 205-6668............. Market Place minutes -
Get up and dust yourself off....we have work to do.
You are rightOver the years we have been instructed by MG to not talk amongst ourselves because there were spies. The latest correspondence that some of us have received from MG is attempting to reinforce that.
So just so we all understand.
It is okay for NM to extort money from us and threaten us with the assistance of our lawyer but it is not okay for us to talk about it.
There is a word for that - bullying.
And to add insult to injury our lawyer not only goes along with this rather than stand up to the bully, he endorses this behaviour - now who is complicit in what?
Have I got this right?? If not could someone please enlighten me.
The hearing for cost and interest is only for those who are NOT in the settlement. I believe most of those are taking their chances and staying on with the resort, and fighting. Perhaps we will end up paying less, perhaps not. The settlement agreement will not change based on Judge Young's decision regarding interest and costs. The amount in your settlement is what you owe, and must be paid by the due date, or Northmont has a judgement against you for an even higher amount (162%). Unfortunately, that's the case if you signed the settlement agreement.
Do we have any idea when that will be?I wouldn't pay it until Judge Young has ruled on costs and interest. It may be reduced even more if she rules in our favour.
Legal counsel is available with Mr. Geldert for $275/hourly or $1000 "All in"
I have emailed Mr. Michael Geldert. Please see the response below, as well as the email address:
Thank you for your email. As you know, many time-share owners are working together to contest the efforts being made by Northwynd. Many of those have either retained Mr. Geldert for an all-in amount of $1,000 CAD or are being advised on an ad-hoc basis as they represent themselves at his hourly rate of $275. You may choose either option. There is not a class-action against Northwynd at this time but this will be discussed moving forward.
At Mr. Geldert's request, the following is for your review:
Your legal obligations are covered exclusively by the contract(s) you have signed. To that end, owing to the vague language in the various time-share contracts, Northwynd has initiated a court application in an attempt to confirm its ability to do two things:
1.Unilaterally amend the time-share agreements to allow them to charge owners/lease-holders for their desired renovations; and,
2.To unilaterally transfer portions of the properties currently available to owners/lease-holders outside of the Resort.
What this is really about then is their attempt to obtain court sanctioned permission to effect unilateral changes to their contractual relationship with each owner/lease-holder. It is a risky proposition however, because should they fail to do so they will not have the legal standing to effect what they are currently proposing to do.
Mr. Geldert is advising every owner/lease-holder to prepare submissions in reply to this court application. He is also advising that our firm be provided an opportunity to review those submissions to ensure they are ready to be filed with the court and served on Northwynd. Full copies of the associated court documents can be obtained on the website should you wish to review the entire package of documents.
Should you retain Mr. Geldert, he will assist you in preparing, filing and serving the necessary submissions. He will also canvas the legal arguments that are available, including, most readily, that what Northwynd is proposing to do fundamentally alters the Agreement(s) and prejudices the rights of the owners/lease-holders.
If you are interested in retaining Mr. Geldert please complete and return the attached information sheet to me by email to ( along with copies of (2) pieces of government issued identification. We would ask that you also provide us with a copy of your time-share agreement and the most recent correspondences that relate to it. Once in receipt of these documents I will schedule a time for you to speak with Mr. Geldert on the phone to confirm the foregoing.
Kind Regards,
Patricia Maiato, Legal Assistant
T: 778.330.7775 | F:778.330.7774 | W:
2704A - 930 Seymour, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6B 1B4
All those who got the email update last night did you bother to check the documents attached? Or print them out?
Well if you didn't you should - check to see which do or don't have a dated court seal or stamp on the first page of each document (where it actually says "court seal" - is there one there?).
One of the things that MG got right back in the beginning when NM was sending out a bunch of bogus Statement of Claims is that- if it doesn't have a court seal or stamp![]()
Also in order to move forward and defend yourself (with or without new counsel) the transcripts of the hearings from Judge Branch and/or Judge Young would be vital for your next move.
To my knowledge and actually reading the Notice of Appeal Instructions to the Appellant sheet provided in the AB notice of appeal attachment refers to how and when those transcripts should be available. Read that sheet carefully.
Now according to the "Procedure Card" I ordered, received and paid for from the AB court in late November - that was all done November 15th, 2017. Like 2 months ago.
So you might want to request those documents ASAP and any other documents MG may be in possession of that you are unaware of.
I am attempting to motivate as many people as possible to bring this injustice out into the open. The more of us who bring this story out, the harder it is to ignore.
Actually that's probably a good thing. These people that never have been associated with MG can take a different approach in court, like the Fair Trade Act that MG was advised about but never used.I found a Law firm in Calgary with a Lawyer that has Sunchaser clients that never joined the MG Group.
Unfortunately they can NOT take clients that have used MG!!!!
Actually I believe Fairmont was insolvent before that. Northmount was granted the takeover in June/2010 though I don't recall the exact date.The information that I have regarding this Legacy for Life, was approximately $23 million was raised..
March 30, 2009 Fairmont was granted creditor protection and June 10, 2010 Fairmont became insolvent. I was contacted
August 10, 2009 and again November 29, 2010 here in Edmonton. The presentations were a slide show and high pressure sales
pitch. The sales people bragged about a five star resort. I did not find out until May 2013 that the Legacy for Life was a scam.
I bought an odd and even year.. In reference to 2010 June 10th Fairmont became insolvent (company is gone) I was contacted
Nov 29th, 2010 and was told I only bought an odd year thus went through the same thing again.
Please note that this was Nov 29th, 2010 and Fairmont became insolvent June 10th, 2010. I have a contract dated Nov 29, 2010
and on Fairmont stationary, but Fairmont was dissolved June 10, 2010!
I rejection option 1 because Geldert would not disclose what he had negotiated for. Once I get my judgement I will be going to the RCMP
and demand charges be laid regarding theft!! Each year since 2012 I had sent Northmont a letter stating I had been scammed.
I wonder why that would matter, I spoke to a lawyer and he didn’t see any problem with moving forward as this settlement is so bogus from the point we agreed to it which we didnt (my silence to MG didnt mean I agreed) seems strange other than one lawyer not wanting to step on another toes maybe?SORRY TYPO!!!
Unfortunately they can NOT take clients that have used MG!!!!
I wonder why that would matter, I spoke to a lawyer and he didn’t see any problem with moving forward as this settlement is so bogus from the point we agreed to it which we didnt (my silence to MG didnt mean I agreed) seems strange other than one lawyer not wanting to step on another toes maybe?
Be cautious with lawyers that may be voicing an opinion without knowing all the facts in this mess. Remember it was stated on this forum “win or lose the lawyers all get paid”. I’m becoming more and more interested in staying with the resort and making Mr Wankel’s life a living HELL. Mr Wankel be careful what you wish for you may just get it! Once we are all back on his door step in good standing we can be that burning bag of dog *bleep* he has to stomp on day in and day out. Maybe we need to start thinking more along the lines of legal maneuvers once we are back in good graces. Take their leverage away that being money and they got nothing on us. We then use legislation and the courts to right this wrong. We are not going away Can we retain this lawyer, could you please send us his contact info?
Thanks for your note. Q: were you already aware, back in Nov, that all of this was happening and being delivered to the rest of us in Dec? If you did, were you then threatened by Geldert in any way if you were to disclose any of this information to the group? You may be a great witness in all our cases as it can be proof that Geldert acted with malice and took advantage of his position by notifying his clients of this "settlement arragement" during the holidays. He knew everyone will not be checking their emails during this time therefore, many couldn't opt out of it or seek legal advice.
Could this be true? Would you be willing to provide an Affidavit? Please forgive me if I am misinterpreting your previous cautionary message. If I am, my apologies.
The wording is vague as it says if they accept leasee timeshare doesn’t say they will or are obligated to. I just wonder how much teeth that clause has? I have the same in my contract.In our VIA's contract Fairmont was to pay back $ based on a percent of years that were not used when returning the timeshare. Can this payback money be used to offset the pay out amount demanded by Northmont? I paid a total of $29,500. for timeshare and I am will to give that back to NM, and this is not enough $$$ for NM ....Can't believe it!