Carolinian said:
What I am saying is that an owner should get the correct credit for what he owns. A week 46 owner should be not cheated of the Thanksgiving bump when his week is actually Thanksgiving, and that is exactly what the inflexibility of the Points exchange mechanism does. Why should a week 47 owner get something that does not rightfully belong to them, the Thanksgiving bump, while the week 46 owner, who it really belongs to gets ripped off?
There is absolutely nothing about points per se that would NOT allow it to be set up according to your
preference (and that is all that it is). They could have let the number of points for weeks 46 and 47 go up and down depending upon where Thanksgiving fell a particular year. In fact, they do do that when you trade
into a resort. (So, don't tell me that the published guide makes that impossible. Balony!)
Then, why didn't they set it up so that someone who owns one or the other of those two weeks have their allotted number of points go wildly up and down depending on the calandar year. They made a marketing decision that your preference would be less popular than just assigning one of the two weeks as Thanksgiving and letting its point value remain stable. People either buy a week that has high value every year or one that does not. If they don't want the low value week, then they don't have to buy it.
So, within Points, RCI had several options on how to set up point values for Thanksgiving. They chose one of them. That does not indicate that points systems are "inflexible." The fact that RCI had options to chose from would, if anything, indicate "flexibility" not inflexibility.
(For the record, when Points owners talk about "flexibity" they are referring to the options that they, as owners, have. Thus, RCI having choices is not what they mean by the points system being more flexible. Likewise, the fact that the trading power of weeks 46 and 46 swing wildly within the Weeks system would not be what they mean by flexibility.)
Finally, your original claim was also that allowing people to buy Thanksgiving week (regardless or where it occurred) created excess inventory within Points. ?????