I own several Vistana Villages weeks Plat at 81,000 star options
One was gifted me by another tugger
I actually do not remember exactly what I paid for the others but I can't believe over $2K including costs
Things may have changed but your $4.9 K price seems high
If you want a timeshare it seems prices are always on the high side
If you are selling a timeshare prices are always low
If you are patient your price will probably be lower
On the other hand paying a little more for instant gratification (if you can call 6 months closing instant) is not terrible as over the long haul a couple thousand dollars is not too material
I do not own a WKV
I wish I did
I think it is a better long term value than the Villages
Many tug members are knowledgeable
That certainly includes
You will not go far wrong listening to that tugger