In several months once you are somewhat on the mend but not completely better start thinking of timeshares you can visit just to enjoy the change of pace without doing much activities. For example, even in a wheelchair, Marriott Oceana Palms north of Palm Beach is easy to get to because you can drive up several floors to your handicapped parking space, get out next to the elevator, and zip up to your room. E.G. - not a lot of walking!! Recouping with a view of the ocean might be something to plan for. And, probably for the next year or two, always use a wheelchair at the airport - it is really easy, the porters can use the tips and you also go to the front of the line. It absolutely takes the main stressor out of traveling and helps you to not be homebound!! Also start looking on Craig's List - you might find good used walkers - if you have a two story house you will need one upstairs and one downstairs and for the road. Also look into other gizmos such as a pincher on a three foot pole that allows you to pinch things and bring them to you. In other words, you are sitting somewhat up in bed and want to bring that magazine or book to you - just use your pinchers! While it might be too early to do much, it is not too early to dream and plan. Best of luck. Janette aka Funtime