Shortdated weeks are nearly non existant for Hilton Head SC. I still can't figure why RCI cut back on the shortdated weeks from 45 days to 30 days. Under points, the few listed at Hilton Head for February are way more than 7500 points. We were at Island Links the first 2 weeks of Dec., 2011. We used weeks, not points. There were plenty of empty units. When we were at Owners Club in Jan., 2011,(used points) there were also plenty of empty units . Do owners just not turn their weeks in to exchange at RCI? Or does RCI just not make the units available to members doing searches? They certainly aren't renting them, because the units are empty. I realize these times are off season, but if the units are available, they should be listed on their site. Any suggestions on how to see more 7500-9000 point weeks?