Legal Documents & Value of Resale Weeks
MLCA 0990 you are aware of some detail, which even present members of the advisory commitee are in the dark.
I am not sure I should wade in here, however as a current member of the PBC Advisory Board I think the above quote is a little harsh.
I agree that MALC9990 is more informed than most, if not all regarding the detail of his own timeshare purchases, and indeed the specific scenarios pertaining to PBC/MKB/MVCAP
As you know I am familiar with some details specific to this case.
I understand that possibly 500 individuals purchased a week or weeks at PBC between 2000 & the end of 2002! I also understand that the initial Legal Documents are different from those in existence for the majority of owners. My own Legal Documents which contain 'The Charter' of the PBC is dated as follows:- Revised January 31st 2003, so by inference there appears to have been an earlier version.
However the PBC Advisory Board was set up in late 2003 & had its inaugural meeting in early 2004, and was guided by the current set of 'Legal Documents'
I believe an earlier version of 'Legal Documents' may have contained an Exhibit E entitled "Charter of Phuket Beach Club Association", whereas my version simply states "Charter Phuket Beach Club" & Chapter I under 'General Provisions' has 3 paragraphs.
The earlier version appears to also have 3 paragraphs, but under paragraph 3 there are 6 sub paragraphs (3.1 to 3.6) which would appear to give the 'Association' much more power than exists today, including budgetary approval rights!
The caveat appears to be that this 'original' Charter was never legally enacted.
I am afraid that I cannot add further to this and it is up to the OP (original poster) to pursue this (presumably with a group of people who have similar documents - thus a 'class action') and take the good advice offered by SueDonJ
From a legal perspective I would expect that the documents which one receives on signing a contract are still legal & binding, even if a new/different situation emerges a year or two later!
Regarding the value of resale weeks, I think it is fair to say that resale weeks can rarely if ever achieve the dollar value one purchases them from the developer for, and certainly not in the current timeshare climate.
A week bought at PBC during the Phase I period where there was no week 51/52 lock out, is not and never will equate with the price that one pays today for a guaranteed vacation during week 51 or week 52. Such a Phase I purchase could enable you to use your week during 51 & 52, but it is a 'bun fight' to get that period and is by no means guaranteed.
The real 'ball park' value of these weeks can be gleaned from a look at "Market Place" in this very forum.
I trust this is helpful.