TUG Member
Rigth around the time of the dog food scare, we had just rescued our 45lb mutt and he just stopped eating kibble. That was a week before the scare made the news. We switched him to an all raw diet after hundreds of hours of reading, browsing, talking to vets, etc... Lots of raw chicken with bones straight from the butcher, steaks, pork, you name it, bones and all. Raw eggs were a special treat. He thrived on the diet, as did the cat. Cat dropped from 16 lbs down to healthy 12 over 1.5 years. Dog was the healthiest the vet had ever seen. No need to brush teeth, healthy coat, active and happy. The downside? Raw meat on the floor in the kitchen can get a little gross after a few hours. Households with kids or older people with compromised immune systems Beware. Cross contamination from the animals "kisses," paws, etc, can happen if you are not careful. The basic principle, as stated above, is that any dog's Mitochondrial DNA is 99.7% identical to that of wild Grey Wolves. (The story with Cats is similar) Think about what they eat? The bacterias that make us sick do not make dogs and cats sick. It takes determination and a strong stomach, but it does work. Especially when your dog stops eating everything else. That was scary.