The CCRs/Owners Manual include the SVN agreement. I have read both - more than once. I do not recall any section about denial of entitled SOs unless VSN stops being the conduit for VSE reservations, OR Owner has acted against terms of CCRs (like rental of non-HR SOs).
I can send to you if you want to peruse and find section that allows them to deny SOs to those entitled
since you are making the claim that they could (“more than fair”).
If they could deny WSJ SO usage based on resort damage (or the like...) not only would they - they would be required to.
Prove that they can deny SO usage based on unavailability of Resort Villas. To me, they have already shown answered this question by their action. Nothing to do with fairness - they are required to act in a legally defensible manner.
View attachment 5146
DnR, you are still making lots of assumptions based on your recollection of the CCRs/Owners Manual as well as your implied assumption that Vistana, if it were legally permissible to do so, would act in the least advantageous manner with respect to its owners. I'm going to go ahead and call your post as false, and recommend that you give the documents another read.
Here is the section that would permit Vistana to revise the number of StarOptions available to WSJ owners for CY 2018:
"The number of StarOptions assigned represents the reservation power of a given Vacation Ownership Interest within the Network is based on such factors as relative Network Member demand for the particular Network Resort, seasonality of the VOI, Unit type assigned to the VOI Use Rights associated with the VOI, Network Resort type, Network Member use patterns, and availability of Vacation Periods for reservation at the particular Network Resort ("Assignment Factors"). Network Operator reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to revise the number of StarOptions required for reservations within the Network annually, each without Network Member consent [...] Club Operator also reserves the right to revise the assignment of Club Points based on the Assignment Factors."
And here is the catch-all section that would permit Vistana to do whatever it deemed necessary to "improve" the operation of the VSN:
"Network Operator shall have the right to amend any portions of the Network Documents which Network Operator in its sole discretion determines are necessary or desirable to amend from time to time, without the consent of Network Members. With respect to Club Resorts, Club Operator may change the Club Rules from time to time as set forth in the Network Affiliation Agreement for the Club. In making any changes to the Club Rules, Club Operator will use its best efforts in making such amendments, in good faith and based on all reasonably available evidence under the circumstances, to improve on the quality and operation of the Club and to further the collective enjoyment of present and future Club Members as a whole to use and enjoy Vacation Periods. Such amendments may be for any purpose, including permitting banking of Vacation Periods and creating Club tiers. Operating the Club in an efficient manner requires the tracking of Club Member use patterns, Club Member demand, and availability of Vacation Periods. Club Operator shall have the sole discretion to amend the Club Rules from time to time based on the results of this tracking to improve on the quality and operation of the Club."
Given the lack of availability of any Vacation Periods at WSJ, it would seem to me to be entirely within Vistana's rights to reduce or eliminate the ability of WSJ owners to trade using StarOptions.
Furthermore, there are references throughout the document to a Club Affiliation Agreement and a Network Affiliation Agreement which govern the affiliation of the resort with Vistana and with the Network. I did not see these documents included with the CCRs, but it's possible I missed them. If you know where they are, please provide a link. There could very well be additional relevant terms related to the availability of VOIs at the resort contained therein.
All that said, DnR, you made a good point earlier about WSJ low season owners being at a higher risk of default. IMO, this could very well have been the primary driver of the decision to preserve StarOptions for WSJ owners alongside the drastically reduced MFs. Even WSJ low season owners will enjoy high VSN trading power relative to MFs this year.
Let's try to keep these discussions fact-based going forward?