I'm a newbie, yes, but this web site is extremely complicated.
So far, I don't like it very much.
I'm sure there was a place to determine the dates for various "weeks" here somewhere but I can't find it again.
Also, why isn't there a way to sign in on the Home Page?
I'm a regular on "Trip Adviser" and I had hoped to find this another user friendly site as I am interested in buying some timeshares but am very frustrated.
So far, I don't like it very much.
I'm sure there was a place to determine the dates for various "weeks" here somewhere but I can't find it again.
Also, why isn't there a way to sign in on the Home Page?
I'm a regular on "Trip Adviser" and I had hoped to find this another user friendly site as I am interested in buying some timeshares but am very frustrated.