It isn't always that easy. The first thing we are asked EVERY TIME is, why are you here. Ummm, I am here because YOUR marketing department invited me. It sometimes goes downhill from there....
Just sitting there isn't an option. They want dialog, back and forth. You ask, they answer, they ask, you answer.
I like it. Being truthful, calm and respectful to the first person whose job it is to make you like them is the game.
In terms of buying that comes down to price for us and not the "how much do you spend every year line" but compared to resale.
They really have to sell some kind of bonus program, The today only now idea, is crap and I don't buy that line.
Most of these salespeople are used to being fake to get people to like them, some are real, but let's be honest they want your money to buy a timeshare of dubious value and certainly at a price 5-10x what you can get it for resale. There is no honest way to close that delta without real conversation and showing the details and math to you. I suspect most of them are not able to financially model it correctly, so
you must not trust their math EVER.
I keep an open mind that maybe they have a deeded week that's our anniversary and we'd love to spend a week there every year. We all spend crazy money on stupid things at times to make ourselves feel good. I put a timeshare in line with the new car that replaces the car I have that works fine, especially the sunroof, leather seats, shiny rims and increased insurance costs. Its just money. We buy both for "enjoyment" and that's fine.
My line, "I'm not yelling I'm forcefully expressing my frustration" and then I let them carry on while I shut up, look bewildered and confused. If they are rude, they won't last long, and I have no issue making them look bad. Maybe nobody cares, but I believe management knows the good staff from the crap. I see it as my mission to help weed out the bad actors.