Assuming you booked into Resort ID RB71 for Grand Luxxe NV, what should help would be the restriction they have that says:
This resort does not allow multiple and / or consecutive confirmations with check-in within the following 2020 dates: JAN 03 - APR 16; JUN 19 - 25; JUL 10 - AUG 13; OCT 30 - NOV 26; DEC 18 - 31. 2021: JAN 01-APR 07, JUN 18-23, JUL 09-AUG 11, OCT 29-NOV 24, DEC 17-22, DEC 24-29. Any violation to this policy will be canceled.
Since the week you booked is not one of the weeks listed, you should be able to have multiple confirmations for the same week. You can contact the Vidanta reservation line at 800-292-9446 after a few days have passed and the reservations have been transmitted from RCI to verify that they exist in their system and are still valid. If you have issues, try quoting the language on the restrictions for multiple confirmations; they are pretty good about sticking to the guidelines they set up in the exchange systems.
BTW, for RB71, the current language is "You can only confirm this resort I.D. once every 2 years and applies per anniversary year; Violations will be cancelled." If you have RCI Platinum, you can book some of the other Grand Luxxe NV Resort IDs, which have the following restrictions (quoted from DI52, Grand Luxxe Spa):
* Consecutive reservations must start on the same day of the week and multiple reservations must be confirmed in same regions. You can only confirm this resort I.D. once every 2 years and applies per anniversary year; Violations will be cancelled.
"Vidanta owners cannot confirm this inventory through RCI. "INVENTORY FOR PLATINUM PARTNERS ONLY.
It does look like the restrictions to 1 Vidanta resort every 2 years are listed on the Platinum inventory for the GL Suite and GL Villa weeks, though they also have the multiple/consecutive restrictions. If you booked a couple of those and are worried about it, you might switch to one week using RB71 and one using DI52.