I hope this table posts as formatted. This is based on 107 listings on one site. Amortizing the upfront cost over 10 years (NOT adjusted for inflation), and adding current MF rate to get a total cost per year assuming depleted value at the end of 10 years (which won't happen)....Vero Beach doesn't come out that bad, a little lower than AK and a little higher than HHI and OKW. OKW seems to be the best in terms of blended cost per point.
-----------------Up Front--10 Year Avg---MF----Total Ann Cost PP
Animal Kingdom----$78.69----$7.87------$6.30------$14.17
Aulani Resort------$94.49----$9.45------$6.39------$15.84
Bay Lake Tower---$106.88---$10.69-----$5.05------$15.74
Beach Club Villas--$103.00---$10.30-----$5.98------$16.28
Boardwalk Villas---$112.88---$11.29-----$6.07------$17.36
Grand Californian $128.76---$12.88-----$5.15------$18.03
Grand Floridian----$135.13---$13.51-----$5.52------$19.03
Hilton Head-------$63.59----$6.36-------$6.52------$12.88
Old Key West-----$71.08----$7.11-------$5.84------$12.95
Saratoga Springs--$81.05----$8.11-------$5.18------$13.29
Vero Beach-------$52.42----$5.24-------$8.06------$13.30
Wilderness Lodge--$75.94----$7.59------$6.03-------$13.62
Aand of course it doesn't post as formatted.
I extended this out 10 years to give an idea of the cost of 10 years ownership(the final figure per resort is the total per point including the cost to purchase and the maintenance fees over 10 years). It is assumed that the loan is paid off in 10 years and only the maintenance fees per point will from years 11 on. I used a maintenance increase of 3.5% for each of the resorts but this varies with the resorts as well so the results will be slightly different but it gives a general idea of the cost. Formatting this is a minor pain.
10 year Amoritized Maintenance Increase 3.50%
Year Total
Animal Kingdom
$7.87 1 $6.30 $14.17
$7.87 2 $6.52 $14.39
$7.87 3 $6.75 $14.62
$7.87 4 $6.98 $14.85
$7.87 5 $7.23 $15.10
$7.87 6 $7.48 $15.35
$7.87 7 $7.74 $15.61
$7.87 8 $8.02 $15.88
$7.87 9 $8.30 $16.16
$7.87 10 $8.59 $16.46
Total $78.69 73.90777691 152.5977769
__________________________ ________________________________________________________________
$9.45 1 $6.39 $15.84
$9.45 2 $6.61 $16.06
$9.45 3 $6.85 $16.29
$9.45 4 $7.08 $16.53
$9.45 5 $7.33 $16.78
$9.45 6 $7.59 $17.04
$9.45 7 $7.85 $17.30
$9.45 8 $8.13 $17.58
$9.45 9 $8.41 $17.86
$9.45 10 $8.71 $18.16
Total $94.49 74.9636023 169.4536023
__________________________ ________________________________________________________________
Bay Lake Tower
$10.69 1 $5.05 $15.74
$10.69 2 $5.23 $15.91
$10.69 3 $5.41 $16.10
$10.69 4 $5.60 $16.29
$10.69 5 $5.79 $16.48
$10.69 6 $6.00 $16.69
$10.69 7 $6.21 $16.90
$10.69 8 $6.43 $17.11
$10.69 9 $6.65 $17.34
$10.69 10 $6.88 $17.57
Total $106.88 59.24353546 166.1235355
__________________________ ________________________________________________________________
Beach Club
$10.30 1 $5.98 $16.28
$10.30 2 $6.19 $16.49
$10.30 3 $6.41 $16.71
$10.30 4 $6.63 $16.93
$10.30 5 $6.86 $17.16
$10.30 6 $7.10 $17.40
$10.30 7 $7.35 $17.65
$10.30 8 $7.61 $17.91
$10.30 9 $7.87 $18.17
$10.30 10 $8.15 $18.45
Total $103.00 70.1537311 173.1537311
__________________________ ________________________________________________________________
$11.29 1 $6.07 $17.36
$11.29 2 $6.28 $17.57
$11.29 3 $6.50 $17.79
$11.29 4 $6.73 $18.02
$11.29 5 $6.97 $18.25
$11.29 6 $7.21 $18.50
$11.29 7 $7.46 $18.75
$11.29 8 $7.72 $19.01
$11.29 9 $7.99 $19.28
$11.29 10 $8.27 $19.56
Total $112.88 71.20955648 184.0895565
__________________________ ________________________________________________________________
Grand California
$12.88 1 $5.15 $18.03
$12.88 2 $5.33 $18.21
$12.88 3 $5.52 $18.39
$12.88 4 $5.71 $18.59
$12.88 5 $5.91 $18.79
$12.88 6 $6.12 $18.99
$12.88 7 $6.33 $19.21
$12.88 8 $6.55 $19.43
$12.88 9 $6.78 $19.66
$12.88 10 $7.02 $19.89
Total $128.76 60.41667478 189.1766748
__________________________ ________________________________________________________________
Grand Floridian
$13.51 1 $5.52 $19.03
$13.51 2 $5.71 $19.23
$13.51 3 $5.91 $19.43
$13.51 4 $6.12 $19.63
$13.51 5 $6.33 $19.85
$13.51 6 $6.56 $20.07
$13.51 7 $6.79 $20.30
$13.51 8 $7.02 $20.54
$13.51 9 $7.27 $20.78
$13.51 10 $7.52 $21.04
Total $135.13 64.75729025 199.8872902
__________________________ ________________________________________________________________
Hilton Head
$6.36 1 $6.52 $12.88
$6.36 2 $6.75 $13.11
$6.36 3 $6.98 $13.34
$6.36 4 $7.23 $13.59
$6.36 5 $7.48 $13.84
$6.36 6 $7.74 $14.10
$6.36 7 $8.01 $14.37
$6.36 8 $8.30 $14.65
$6.36 9 $8.59 $14.94
$6.36 10 $8.89 $15.25
Total $63.59 76.48868341 140.0786834
__________________________ ________________________________________________________________
Old Key West
$7.11 1 $5.84 $12.95
$7.11 2 $6.04 $13.15
$7.11 3 $6.26 $13.36
$7.11 4 $6.47 $13.58
$7.11 5 $6.70 $13.81
$7.11 6 $6.94 $14.04
$7.11 7 $7.18 $14.29
$7.11 8 $7.43 $14.54
$7.11 9 $7.69 $14.80
$7.11 10 $7.96 $15.07
Total $71.08 68.51133606 139.5913361
__________________________ ________________________________________________________________
Saratoga Springs
$8.11 1 $5.18 $13.29
$8.11 2 $5.36 $13.47
$8.11 3 $5.55 $13.65
$8.11 4 $5.74 $13.85
$8.11 5 $5.94 $14.05
$8.11 6 $6.15 $14.26
$8.11 7 $6.37 $14.47
$8.11 8 $6.59 $14.70
$8.11 9 $6.82 $14.93
$8.11 10 $7.06 $15.16
Total $81.05 60.76861657 141.8186166
__________________________ ________________________________________________________________
Vero Beach
$5.24 1 $8.06 $13.30
$5.24 2 $8.34 $13.58
$5.24 3 $8.63 $13.88
$5.24 4 $8.94 $14.18
$5.24 5 $9.25 $14.49
$5.24 6 $9.57 $14.81
$5.24 7 $9.91 $15.15
$5.24 8 $10.25 $15.50
$5.24 9 $10.61 $15.86
$5.24 10 $10.98 $16.23
Total $52.42 94.55502887 146.9750289
__________________________ ________________________________________________________________
Wilderness Lodge
$7.59 1 $6.03 $13.62
$7.59 2 $6.24 $13.84
$7.59 3 $6.46 $14.05
$7.59 4 $6.69 $14.28
$7.59 5 $6.92 $14.51
$7.59 6 $7.16 $14.76
$7.59 7 $7.41 $15.01
$7.59 8 $7.67 $15.27
$7.59 9 $7.94 $15.53
$7.59 10 $8.22 $15.81
Total $75.94 70.74030076 146.6803008