The outcome isn't a surprise. Why the shock?
From day 1 of the suit many predicted the exact outcome we have ended up seeing. That despite the valiant and much appreciated efforts by a dedicated group of volunteers who did their very best to turn the tide.
A cheap trinket or a $.50 check, an agreement that codify's a process no one thinks is fair but now has court blessing and a monstrous, undeserved payday for a "whats in it for me" law firm paid for by the very members that are now shafted. Exactly why we preached don't do a class action - speak with your dollars and deposits - but the advice went largely unheeded as the great success of consumer based class actions (are there really any examples that aren't a mirror of this nightmare?) was touted as the likely result for the RCI case. Yeah, right.
Why anyone would continue to use RCI Weeks at this stage baffles me unless they have a clear and consistent way to derive a value out that exceeds the cost they are paying in. Other than that it is best left to rot and fade away as RCI apparently wants it to (in a move to pure points). Fighting to keep a fatally flawed and now legally blessed corrupted system alive is just foolish.
...And accordingly, SHAME on each and every person who accepted one of those worthless little trinkets. Those "offerings" were, from the outset, never anything more than a cost-free (to RCI) mechanism to create a phony and misleading statistic suggesting "satisfaction" with the farce of a "settlement". Clearly, RCI succeeded in duping 130,000 non-thinkers. I hope they all enjoy their worthless little trinket... :annoyed:
From day 1 of the suit many predicted the exact outcome we have ended up seeing. That despite the valiant and much appreciated efforts by a dedicated group of volunteers who did their very best to turn the tide.
A cheap trinket or a $.50 check, an agreement that codify's a process no one thinks is fair but now has court blessing and a monstrous, undeserved payday for a "whats in it for me" law firm paid for by the very members that are now shafted. Exactly why we preached don't do a class action - speak with your dollars and deposits - but the advice went largely unheeded as the great success of consumer based class actions (are there really any examples that aren't a mirror of this nightmare?) was touted as the likely result for the RCI case. Yeah, right.
Why anyone would continue to use RCI Weeks at this stage baffles me unless they have a clear and consistent way to derive a value out that exceeds the cost they are paying in. Other than that it is best left to rot and fade away as RCI apparently wants it to (in a move to pure points). Fighting to keep a fatally flawed and now legally blessed corrupted system alive is just foolish.