I wouldn't take it personally. You asked a question about MVC on the MVC board. It seems that most of us have some level of satisfaction with the current amenities and decor. I don't think anyone would argue against a level of upgrade that wasn't overly expensive. I do think you over simplieid the issue and underestimated to real costs. Even within MVC there is a range of quality from say Vail & HP up to Crystal Shores and if you go across the broadened brand, from Sheraton up to Westin. There are things I'd like to see done differently and for the options that are more important or obvious, I offer those suggestions to the appropriate people like the GM. I would be interested to know the difference in cost between those levels and I may be able to get some additional insight owning with brands that, by design, have units that are of different levels of quality/upsale. I'll try to remember to ask when the opportunity presents itself.I did not say my view was morally superior.
That is your take on it.
If you do not like what I write, that is your opinion, but what gives you the right to start judging me?
I just want to stay in a nice place when I go on vacation.
If you don't care, that is your right.
The fact that a lot of people still purchase points has no bearing on anything.
A lot of people eat garbage from some fast food franchise by the ton everyday.
That hardly makes it a nutritious meal.
I was just trying to see what people's opinions were.
I think the sample size is too small.
In any event I will stop posting on TUG.
I find it to be a bitter crowd, with too many complaints about non issues.
Happy New Year to all.
The one data point I do have that's directly applicable to the subject is for a resort in Aruba that I used to own at that did just as you're suggesting. They went through and upgraded each and every unit considerably and intentionally. Even after some hefty fee hikes almost doubling the yearly fees over about 3-4 years, they charged a SA for each studio and each 1 BR of almost $1000 per. That would have been almost 20 years ago. I owned several units and including a 3 BR double lock off so I missed the SA that would have been almost $10K by less than a year by enrolling those units in Bluegreen's points program.