Let me start by saying thank you to TUG and all members. I'm humbled by your TS knowledge, expertise, and eager willingness to help newbies like myself. All of you are awesome!
After experiencing a presentation, my wife and I signed on and purchased a TS from the dealer for an EOY "white" week (ended up being in December in the Hill Country of Texas) for about $8,000. MF about $430 a yr. Interestingly, the salespeople skimmed through the fact it was EOY and I didn't notice until we were signing the contract. I caved anyway and signed away. My "prize" consisted of a gift bag of potato chips and crackers and a $40.00 prepaid credit card. The hotel they paid for was mediocre, and I still paid $80.00 for two nights. I wasn't expecting anything for free; however, considering what I was almost bilked for, it's clear I wasn't getting a decent deal either. After six hours of a "90 minute" presentation, we walked out justifying to each other how we made the right decision. All the while, in my heart and gut, I knew we made a mistake. I like to pride myself in being a man who takes care of his family; thus, I justified the decision as being right b/c I was doing this for my family. (The salesman apparently picked up on this since he focused that it would be good for my family). He even told me after I signed that I did the right thing for my family. As we enjoyed the remainder of the day and the stay at the hotel, I finallly got on-line and researched TSs. I stumbled upon TUG (thank God!!!!) and realized the mistake. I engrossed myself in this site for hours on end even through the wee hours of the night and knew, as a man who is willing to take of his family, that I needed to rescind. I awoke my wife one morning (Sunday right before church) and told her that we were going to write the rescission letter after church and mail it first thing Monday morning. Thanks to the example letter and knowledge that you guys have posted, the rescission letter was sent that Monday morning. We had 5 days and Monday would be 4th day. We just received the confirmation letter from the resort advising us that the rescission letter had been received and confirmed and that we could expect full refund of the down payment and would not be obligated to anything with them at all. :whoopie: THANK GOD!!!!!!
You guys are awesome and I write this with humility and extreme gratitude. I'm continuing my research and taking the advice of waiting six months and renting prior to making any purchases. I will be joining TUG soon and look forward to asking questions (I know ya'll won't mind) and blogging with you. I plan to rent a week from that same resort for this spring or summer, so I'll keep an eye out in the Market place. The only question I have at this time is: Other than TUG, what other sites are of reputable character to find postings of TSs for rent?
Once again, Thank you TUG and all members!!!!!
After experiencing a presentation, my wife and I signed on and purchased a TS from the dealer for an EOY "white" week (ended up being in December in the Hill Country of Texas) for about $8,000. MF about $430 a yr. Interestingly, the salespeople skimmed through the fact it was EOY and I didn't notice until we were signing the contract. I caved anyway and signed away. My "prize" consisted of a gift bag of potato chips and crackers and a $40.00 prepaid credit card. The hotel they paid for was mediocre, and I still paid $80.00 for two nights. I wasn't expecting anything for free; however, considering what I was almost bilked for, it's clear I wasn't getting a decent deal either. After six hours of a "90 minute" presentation, we walked out justifying to each other how we made the right decision. All the while, in my heart and gut, I knew we made a mistake. I like to pride myself in being a man who takes care of his family; thus, I justified the decision as being right b/c I was doing this for my family. (The salesman apparently picked up on this since he focused that it would be good for my family). He even told me after I signed that I did the right thing for my family. As we enjoyed the remainder of the day and the stay at the hotel, I finallly got on-line and researched TSs. I stumbled upon TUG (thank God!!!!) and realized the mistake. I engrossed myself in this site for hours on end even through the wee hours of the night and knew, as a man who is willing to take of his family, that I needed to rescind. I awoke my wife one morning (Sunday right before church) and told her that we were going to write the rescission letter after church and mail it first thing Monday morning. Thanks to the example letter and knowledge that you guys have posted, the rescission letter was sent that Monday morning. We had 5 days and Monday would be 4th day. We just received the confirmation letter from the resort advising us that the rescission letter had been received and confirmed and that we could expect full refund of the down payment and would not be obligated to anything with them at all. :whoopie: THANK GOD!!!!!!
You guys are awesome and I write this with humility and extreme gratitude. I'm continuing my research and taking the advice of waiting six months and renting prior to making any purchases. I will be joining TUG soon and look forward to asking questions (I know ya'll won't mind) and blogging with you. I plan to rent a week from that same resort for this spring or summer, so I'll keep an eye out in the Market place. The only question I have at this time is: Other than TUG, what other sites are of reputable character to find postings of TSs for rent?
Once again, Thank you TUG and all members!!!!!
