We just did a transfer of points, so I should be able to answer most of these.
I have a few questions on how the new transfer policy works.
Is there now a 50,000 point annual limit on transfers? In the past, it was limited to the extent such points were needed for a reservation.
You can now transfer 50,000 points per year to anyone you wish. Previously, per policy, you could only transfer to family members when redeeming a reward. Though people reported being able to do it even when it wasn't a family member.
The 50,000 limit only applies to direct transfers. If you are transferring to a family member, you can still transfer up to the amount of points needed for the award, even if it is more than 50,000. My wife recently transferred about 70,000 points to my account for a travel package conversion. I had to be making a rewards reservation or using a reward in order to transfer more than 50,000.
I would like to add my wife's points to my account. Should we be transferring points tomorrow so we can still transfer another 50,000 in 2016?
---Deleted--- Was confused on this and BocaBoy answered it better.
Does the receipt of points transferred count toward lifetime points?
Yes, the receipt of transferred points counts toward the lifetime points for the person receiving the points. However, they are also subtracted from the lifetime points for the person transferring the points out. So when you transfer the points to from your wife's account, your lifetime points will increase by that amount and hers will decrease by that amount.
The rep we spoke with was very clear about this and disclosed that these would be subtracted from my wife's lifetime points.
I wonder if this could cause someone to lose lifetime elite status???
When we did our transfer, just last week, we were able to do everything over the phone. I called and said I wanted to book a travel package but didn't have enough points and my wife was going to transfer the additional needed points to me. She said if I could get my wife on the phone that they did transfers over the phone now. In the past a form had to be filled out and faxed in. So I was able to conference my wife in to the call and she verified her information and the points were transferred. It was all very quick and painless.