My own first hand personal experience is admittedly limited to four diferent timeshare properties in SW FL that have already tackled and resolved the "sunset clause" issue.As we're getting to 10 years past the original post, I'd be interested in more people reporting what happened / is happening cause we're on some of these dates now.
In each instance, the (independent, not "chain") properties were originally built in the early 1980's and in each instance the original CC&R's identified a "Termination" date of 40 years later so, in each instance, that "sunset" date would have been sometime in or around 2022.
In each instance, the Board was aware and on top of the issue and, long before the arrival of the respective termination dates, the ownership voted overwhelmingly to amend the original CC&R's and change the termination date, by adding years to the original "sunset" date. One resort made it 10 years later, 2 others made it 15 years later and one (at which we no longer own at all) made it "in perpetuity". In 3 out of these 4 instances, the amendment language also provided the option to vote to extend again when those new future dates approach (those options obviously may not get exercised then, but who knows?). Ironically, the "in perpetuity" property (where we no longer own any weeks) was badly damanged by Hurricane Ian in late September of 2022 and may not get rebuilt at all, so "the end of perpetuity" may very well have arrived there already.
It's clearly important that a resort Board be aware (or be made aware by its' ownership) that "sunset clause" is an issue that cannot be denied or ignored. I sometimes wonder how many small independent Boards don't even know of the existence of a "Termination" section within their original CC&R's, never mind being prepared to deal with it.
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