Are your first class flights a direct function of ownership, or of stays in Marriott properties, and using a rewards card for purchases? And/or also partially due to buying from developer? If what you have accomplished with first class flights could not have been accomplished via the same or lower cost via buying resale or exchanging, and applying the differential from a developr purchase toward first class flights, then that would indeed be a reason to love your Marriott.
First off I've only bought 4 of the 15 I've owned direct from Marriott the last being my MOW July 4th week in 2004.
And although it makes the Marriott haters blood boil I make no apologies and have no regrets for buying direct when I did because back then resales were far and few between, resale prices were certainly much higher than today if you did see something , direct prices weren't yet obscene and Marriott was giving a ton of points away that in turn converted to incredibly valuable travel packages.
Since then most of my points come from business and pleasure stays, but a big chunk just from playing my MFs with my Marriott Visa.
Besides if you knew my whole story you would see how off base Bruce comments really are. I purchased all my direct purchases with 0% credit cards and played that game to perfection to own something we never could've afforded otherwise so I've never advocated buying direct I just stated what I did. I actually manipulated the system to get to where I am. One thing lead to another and now I own 11 Marriott units.
I'm just a working class stiff raising a family who found a way to travel large with free money. Its well documented as I've been with TUG for some time.
Back then I couldn't afford resale let alone direct or 1st class to Maui, not on our budget. I figured out a way to buy something using the banks money that generated enough to pay for itself and thensome, and even created airfare that I couldn't afford. Quite honestly I just stumbled on my system.
I bought our first Maui in 2002 for $39k, with a Marriott Visa (back then they let you do the whole thing on credit card for big points) and then balance transfer 12 month 0% thinking at some point I'll flip it to a HELOC.
The 2nd year of ownership when we couldn't go I put it up on ebay and made almost 3k profit above MFs!! It was the easiest money I ever made.
I did another Maui purchase the same way, and then to me the best deal ever that I kick myself for not buying more, our Aruba Surf Club purchase in 2003. The initial pricing and points offering was unbelievable. Then 2004 MOW plat + week the exact same way.
By then the cat was out of the bag and Marriott just stopped giving points and their pricing just skyrocketed so direct purchases never made sense again, IMHO.
Since then I juggled probably 6-10 0% credit cards to pay down my ownership, never having to take out a personal loan of any kind or even 2nd mortgage that was always my fall back if my system crashed and burned.
It didn't and 10 years later rentals are stronger than ever because AND THIS IS THE KEY - because Marriott is a great product that is tremendously popular and many, many people just love them so that the demand is so high it is still easy to rent my spare weeks for MF+.
I don't believe any other TS company could have done for me what Marriott has done.
I never said it was for everyone but for those that wanted the same I've always detailed my success here in TUG for their sake and people like Bruce always chime in.
This is an age old argument that I remember having in year one of my ownership with people whose names I haven't seen in awhile were just like Bruce is today.
I only hope that their words are in some way all in good debate because I certainly don't mean to ever make someone feel bad and usually show good restraint when called names although I do get defenseive at times because this argument does get old.
That's my story and why I still love my Marriotts!!