Excellent news on finding TUG and rescinding.
@TUGBrian will be pleased
One thing to think about before you proceed to buy is that as an existing MVC owner, you can rent in club points for a given usage year, sometimes at less than the maint fees for Trust club points, as the points are from enrolled owners who have relatively low maint fees. Vacationpointexchange is one way to do this as is TUG and Facebook. With either buying or renting do your checks that it is legitimate by speaking to the person and have them prove their ownership. If there is anything that doesn't seem right, don't proceed, there are plenty of deals to be had. Once you rent the points they can't be banked, or otherwise transferred, so you will need to use them.
For resale purchase Redweek is a good way to go as is Facebook and TUG marketplace. Yes resale club points work just the same as the ones bought direct, once you have paid the initiation (aka junk) fee of $3/club point (min $3k). There are also a couple of other fees that are in the low hundreds to pay to MVC. If you go that way, make sure that the usage year lines up with what you already own.
As MVC has ROFR on club points, your bid will need to pass their right to intervene so it can take a few tries to get a sale. There is no known specific price at which MVC will intervene, but there is some self reported info on rofr.net. You don't loose out if the sale goes to MVC, other than the time taken to bid, so if you are patient you can get a great deal.
Take your time, its a buyers market, all the best