I didn't do enough research on Craig option for Elite Premier before I started buying resale. A part of me wished I went this route. Less time wasted looking for good deals. If I can get a good MAX trade in deal the overall portfolio would be so much better long term with significantly lower MF and no exchange rate risk.interesting thread. I am not sure there is a way that I would go from Legacy Elite Premier to Max since I would lose benefits. They would have to make all my resale count toward retail and then put us at Premier + but even with it, I would lose some benefits.
If I can't get trades after many attempts I'll sell/give away the golds and what I'll have left will be about slightly better than the Craig route. But no elite benefits which I think can have some decent value. Who knows, I might just sell almost everything and buy Craig if it's still a good deal at that point. Probably lose at least $10k in process but the potential upside if I can get a good trade in deal is too great for me not to try. No matter what happens I'll still be way ahead of people who bought worthless gold deeds at full retail value.