Thank you for all the feedback. I've decided to not do anything at the moment. If the deed would have been at Avon, I would have been more tempted as the maint. fees are almost a dollar lower than Atlanta and 2 bucks lower than CWA, plus it is a place that I try to book fairly often, living in Denver.
It sounds like PR is probably better than my current VIP-Platinum ownership, but not $47K better - at least right now. For those PR owners, do you see much benefit beyond being able to book PR units? There seem to be several additional benefits available for a fee, which I'm guessing that I would ever use either zero or maybe one time. The Registry Collection sounds like it might be an intriguing option for a splurge - anyone use that?
We've been PR owners for about ten years and have never used the registry collection. I wasn't particularly interested the few times I've looked into it. To be fair that could just be me.
I didn't get the PR survey that Wyndham recently sent out but a friend did. My take on the survey is that Wyndham recognizes the PR program is sadly lacking. Hopefully they will make a concerted effort to improve it. They definitely need more than 19 PR resorts. But even more so they need to seriously step up their game for the "special benefit" PR owners get when staying In a PR unit at those resorts. Barely 1/3 of the PR resorts have a "special benefit" worth having.
In 2022 we've stayed 233 nights in resorts through Wyndham and RCI. Our Spring trip was 110 nights, 14 resorts, 8 states. A whole 2 nights of that trip were spent in a PR unit at a PR resort. Our Fall trip was 75 nights, 8 resorts, 8 states. This time we had 4 nights in a PR unit at a PR resort. Of the other 48 nights at various other times of this year at 6 resorts only 6 nights were in a PR unit at a PR resort. So altogether we stayed a total of 12 nights in a PR unit at 3 PR resorts out of 233 nights at 28 resorts.
For our summer family trip to Glacier Canyon I usually book 2 nights at Sundara so all the adults can use the spa. To accommodate my nephew's family I changed the reservations and we all went a week sooner than I'd planned. Nothing was available at Sundara that week. DH wanted no part of staying at National Harbor because of the $30? a night to park. We like being close to the Metro stop at Old Town Alexandria (not a PR resort) and liked our 3 bedroom presidential unit there. On our 2 stays in Myrtle Beach we had no interest in staying at Dye Villas as we don't golf. DH says it's Myrtle BEACH, and wants to be on the beach with an ocean view not a golf course view. Our 3 bedroom presidential at Ocean Boulevard (not a PR resort) was beautiful. I suggested a 2 night stop at the new Atlanta resort which is PR to break up one of our drives and check out the resort but that $55 a night to park was a deal breaker. We agreed that it would be better to grab a cheap flight out of Fort Lauderdale, our home airport, some other time and stay longer so we could do more while we're there.
This isn't a great recommendation for the PR program.