For 2018: Daytona Beach Oceanwalk (Platinum UDI) $5.81 per 1,000 + 0.58 Prog. Fee=$6.39/1,00 all included.
For 2018: Daytona Beach Oceanwalk (Platinum CWA) $5.76 per 1,000 + 0.58 Prog. Fee=$6.34/1,00 all included.
(Remember when CWA first started up, it was supposed to be the "Blended MFs to keep MFs low? Now they're within $0.05 of the Oceanwalk UDI MFs, which have stayed relatively steady).
For 2018: National Harbor (Platinum UDI) $4.14 per 1,000 + $0.58 Prog. fee=$4.72/1,000 all included. The CWA owners should be complaining - they pay $1.62/1,000 MORE than the UDI folks!
The foregoing are from personal knowledge.