Try this for Hyatt
This is a specific realtor, but I have used him for a resale that saved me thousands of dollars. He is good, the web site is
Check your private e-mail, I shared some details with you. Hyatt is very good about taking care of their owners. So, it depends are where you want to go and what you want to do with your timeshare. Key West Beach House is a VERY good buy, a great vacation and you should be able to get enough points to use at any Hyatt property. For example, you can very easily trade your points for Beaver Creek or Breckenridge Main Street Station. You must understand how the system works, stay on top of your points - but it does NOT work if you do not miss your windows. I own Hyatt - but I would suggest caution, because the program is complicated. They have really tried to keep everyone happy - the people who want to go the same unit, same week, every year, but it can also float and you can deposit in II. Not for the novice timesharer - but a great program if you really know what you want.