My $0.02 worth...
theo if you could either post or pm me the names of the closing companies that would be helpful.
Since you have overtly asked for names, I believe that I am now allowed to respond without invoking the wrath of site moderators. I'd recommend either Timeshare Transfer or JRA Closing Services. A little searching around will easily find either one on the Internet. There are others as well, but these are two with which I am personally familiar by way of direct, actual experience. Some here also speak highly of PCS Closings, but I have no personal knowledge about or any prior dealings with them.
Re: >> They have verbally verified the name of the resort, the week, type of unit ie studio, 1bd, 2bd, they have stated there are no liens or fees outstanding.<<
No disrespect intended, but verbal statements from a reseller are
absolutely meaningless. Accordingly, I'll ask once again --- have you actually even seen and reviewed a copy of the current deed? In many instances, you can even review the deed online in that County's public records (...I'm assuming it's a U.S. timeshare), if the seller will just provide you a book and page number with which to "pull up" the document.
Your closing company can independently confirm with the resort whether the account is current via the estoppel letter process. The seller will likely have to sign a release, allowing that info to be provided to third parties. Closing company will take care of that detail.
Re; >> per whois they have had their site for over 10 years and when googled there is nothing bad but equally concerning is there is nothing good<<
I wouldn't put much stock in that observation, personally. The site "domain name" could have been obtained and registered ten years ago, but actively utilized for the first time late last week. I would also point out to you that if on a site like this (TUG) with
thousands of experienced timeshare owners and users, if the name of a particular reseller is completely unknown to anyone in
this "audience", then you definitely have some cause to proceed slowly and with caution.
Re: >> you have offered good advice not just for me but hopefully for anyone else reading this<<
Kind words and thank you, but that's really the purpose of these discussion forums --- to share information and knowledge, ask questions of others more experienced in the arena, etc. Knowledge and information hoarded and not shared is knowledge and information not put to best use.