The HGVC system at this point is a great system, actually one of the better ones for resale owners.
What I like about the Bay Club is your buy in cost is 0, good point usage of 7000 points and it is an affiliate. Most of my hgvc are affiliates. I prefer them as membership in hgvc is voluntary. If ever the system changed and did not work for you, you are not tied to hgvc.
What I don’t like is it is an eoy, you will be paying membership dues each year and, dues are high and (many won’t agree with me), it is an affiliate that you plan on not using. I believe buy where you would be happy vacationing, just in case the system changes.
The fact that you said “ I don't know very much about HGVC”, I would not get it. When I got my first hgvc, I didn’t know much about the system and what I got wasn’t a good fit and I gave it away. I would take the time to learn about hgvc, make sure is for you and then find what you know will definitely work for you.