TUG Member
It is my understanding that inventory within 45 days would be 4,000 credits. Is not the case?
That is correct. Make sure you are counting the days correctly.
Same thing happened to me the Old key west resort. I was told by the agent, after checking with her supervisor, that not every resorts will be 4000 Walmart credit within 45 days.
That was my understanding from way, way back. I don't have any written documentation to that effect but recall it from a live training session attended when we first joined, ~2000.... she (RCI VC?) tells me that I would have to start my OGS at 45 days to get that! Now that is the first time I have been told that!!
I see an 8/28 check-in at that property for 4000 WM Credits (blue studio exchange). I don't see the 9/4 week for that property, perhaps it is already taken, but see a number of Aug/Sept weeks at ULTIQA Village Resorts, all 3BR units, for the same discounted 4000 Credit exchange.Check this one to see if it is 4000 in the system
ULTIQA Rothbury Hotel (#RC86) for Sept 04 It's in Australia.
the tpu's are in the 39-56 range.
So the question is, did it not work for 4000 for you because of the high tpu's, or the fact that the OGS was started before 45 days, or glitches in the system.
Ah, interesting. NO, the two dates you specify do NOT show up using WM>RCI B2B website. I see an 8/7 check-in for 4000 credits ... but then nothing until 9/18 (just beyond 45 days) at full price.No, the Sept 04 one is still there and the Aug 28th one is only 10 tpu's so that doesn't prove anything one way or the other. I am looking for units that are outside of 30 days but inside 45 days and have tpu's of higher than 25.
Another to try: Sandy Point Beach Club (#0080) Trinadad and Tobago
on Sept 4 and Sept 11. There are 3 units between those dates with tpu's of 33-35.
That was my understanding from way, way back. I don't have any written documentation to that effect but recall it from a live training session attended when we first joined, ~2000.
EDITED TO ADD: However, the Worldmark Credits aren't taken from your account directly by RCI. It takes a backend process submitted to Worldmark. Perhaps you could simply "Smile and nod" your way through the RCI Vacation Councilor's comments and then call the Worldmark Exchange Department for their thoughts on how it will process later?
So these are in the 20-30 range:
DVC Saratoga Springs #DV06 Sept 12 30 tpu's
Divi Little Bay Beach Resort #4219 Sept 5 Sept 6 25 tpu's
Fiji Palms #0676 Sept 12 26 tpu's
If you can't see these we can go even lower in the tpu range to see where it stops.
And by that I meant magically disappearing for WorldMark ownersNo its not. It is still available to anyone without a worldmark RCI account.
It just isn't available to worldmark owners, I presume because they don't want to admit they have inventory they are not discounting for Worldmark.
Thank you! I think I will!
You can no longer talk directly to the WM exchange dept. You should call Owner Care instead.
The decision to not allow owners to talk to the Exchange dept is an asinine one that is costing them more money. They route you to Vacation Planners who know very little about exchanging so they transfer you to Owner Care who has to call Exchange; the end result is you get to tell the same story three times.