Yet another cancellation!
I've been diligently watching my exchange into the GM in Nuevo Vallarta, hoping against hope. Well, today I, too, had my exchange cancelled. How many Tuggers does that make now? I got a call from a vacation guide trying to get me to deposit weeks. When I said no thanks, he asked about my ongoing searches, and do I only want Nuevo Vallarta for March 11th, or would I like to expand that search? When I said I had a confirmed exchanged into the GM for that week and therefore shouldn't be searching at all, first he said there didn't appear that there was ever any exchange confirmed, and then he put me on hold only to come back and tell me there appears to have been a problem with that week and the resort cancelled the exchange. So I said I'd need to speak to a supervisor, and got put through to a pleasant but ultimately ineffective Kim Rinehart (male), who espoused the party line that "some things are out of RCI's control". Funny thing, though, he has a week at the MP for the exact dates that we were confirmed into the GM. Just a coincidence? I THINK NOT. Ooooh, am I mad.
So, he put the MP week on hold for me "just in case", noted our conversation in my record, and sent off a request to the specialists in Indy who are supposed to be calling me "soon", hopefully tomorrow, to address the situation.
Like others, we have tickets in hand (fairly expensive from the east coast) and family joining us, so what are our options, really? This is such a huge violation of our trust. Wait till I break the news to my husband. I haven't told him this was a possibility because, as I said, I hoped we would be spared. He is going to be...very unhappy.
It's such a love-hate thing with RCI. Two days ago they confirmed an exchange for us in Rome for June. Now this. Grrrr.
Thanks for letting me vent. I'd love to hear advice based on other Tuggers' recent resolutions to their cancelled exchanges.