If thats really how the system works, then I see no penalty for only owning one week... seems like there has been ALOT of post on many threads by Marriott owners who feel like they can't get the same reservations as 2 week owners.... Is the inventory just that tight all the way around for multi week owners and single week owners??
I just looked at your website, would there possibly be any conflict of interest with the fact that you sell resales, that you would want to make things sizzle a bit? Don't get me wrong, I know if you deal with something everyday you have a much better understand of the systems.... I would like to hear from some 1 week owners and their experiences.
That is exactly how it works.
Re: conflict of interest, and adding sizzle, quite the contrary. The developer adds sizzle. For some reason,they can. I, on the other hand, live or die by my reputation.
As for my reputation, it must speak for itself.
I am not infallible. No one is. But, I have never knowingly sizzled functionality. Besides being dishonest, it is counterproductive. The good will of my clients is where my referral business comes from. And referrals are the lifeblood of a serious business person.
In fact, the knowledge gained from many years experience is my value-added.
All I have tried to do here is share that insight, on this topic, and others.
Unlike the developer, I have no vested interest in any one product. It matters not to me if you are interested in purchasing a Starwood or Marriott product. I can sell you either. But, if asked my opinion, or if I choose to voice it, it is based on the insight gained over the years. It is not the perspective of an owner of 2 or 10 timeshares, but the accumulated knowledge of many, many interactions on every facet of how these systems work.
Misinformation, and mis-perception run rampant. Repeat something often enough and it becomes conventional wisdom. Mine is an attempt at stating the issue factually, as i know them. I make no judgment about it. Different strokes for different folks. I have personal preferences to be sure. Everyone does. I am not stating preference. The only time I have, it related to my preference for food-service. Hardly a topic of heavy debate here.
Some single week owners who cannot get a reservation will "blame" it on the 13 month rule. But, it is no different than a Starwood owner calling Westin Maui at 12 months for a July week and being shut out. There is no 13 month rule. Just more calls than the system can accommodate in a 5 minute period. No one blames it on anything other than what it is. It is the nature of floating week ownership. Owners can be justifiably disappointed and upset about it. But,the problem should be called what it is. Unfortunately, it is human nature to blame something else. Why? Most will not admit that they did not understand that there could actually be more demand for certain weeks than there is availability in a floating week system. They think themselves too sophisticated to miss such a basic concept. So they blame the system for conspiring against them. Besides, many just think it sounds unfair, and that is reason enough to champion the cry of the righteous. It is well intentioned, but based in half truths and misinformation.
As I have stated in other posts, my personal best interests are better served by butting out of these discussions, precisely because I am a reseller. I choose to post in the spirit of sharing information. That is what TUG is all about. When I offer opinion. I state it as such. And risk being flamed because of it. Nonetheless it is offered up in the same spirit. If I can add worthwhile dimension to a discussion, it too will stand on its merits or lack thereof.