TUG Member
PR Skills
I agree with Bill that we can't really complain to the State of Hawaii that DRI has a yet to mature its PR skills. But, we can complain
I agree with Bill that we can't really complain to the State of Hawaii that DRI has a yet to mature its PR skills. But, we can complain
.... that the elected VOA/AOAO has demonstrated a lack of reasonable fudiciary transparency to its constituency needed for a financial action of this magnitude and impact.
There are three classes of votes at The Point @ Poipu, the Trust, the units for sell by DRI, and the deeded owners. When votes are cast, the first two classes are voted as a block and are voted in the best interest of DRI. The deeded owners (the majority) are unable to organize, inform, and motivate owners to participate simply because they do not have access to the list of all deeded owners.
We request the State of Hawaii follow its own statutes and release the owners list so that the majority, in a true democratic manner, elect a Board that truely represents all the constituents.
Just an approach.
Just an approach.