What the OP is presenting is hardly a business opportunity.
Benefitting--maybe, but on such a small level, that I laugh when the TUG moderators get their antenna up?
My view of timeshares, is that we have gotten to the point where they are all basically worthless and will soon have a negative value.
Marriott continues to increase the maintenance fees to the point where almost any week at any resort can be rented for less than the maintenance fee.
Supply outweighs demand by a large margin.
I cannot even fathom how many owners would like to dispose of their weeks.
That is the reason so many fraudulent resale firms exist.
Therefore, anyone trying this is not gambling at all.
The problem appears to be if Marriott would even allow this as they might get stuck with a trust owning multiple units is just abandoned if a dispute among the owners arises?
With the value of a timeshare at 0, it would not take much disagreement.
I don't see the rules as dependent on the amount of benefit. I suspect the reason for the warnings and not the removal or change of the OP is due to the limited benefit you point out and the fact it was a question about the possibility and not a direct solicitation for partners.
Certainly fees have gone up as has about everything else. Between Covid Lockdown and inflation, there are challenges. We as owners are responsible, that's what we signed up for. We can exist, or try to, if we want. Most can get out if that's their goal but not with a pending loan without completing their obligation. It is not accurate to say that any week can be rented for less than the fees but certainly off season weeks can but many of the weeks that can be rented are from other owners, not directly through the cash reservation system. One thing a points only system does is to adjust fees to match the demand assuming the points are adjusted proportionally. Otherwise those who own the highest demand, highest value weeks with most weeks systems are doing so partly on the coattails of those who own off season weeks and pay fees.
I have no idea the % of owners who would like to exit. Most will have options if they truly want. For the most part the exit companies are just a scam to separate owners from their money. I wonder how many of those bought retail with no knowledge of timeshares and never learned how to use the system. For me personally timesharing has been great and one way I define savings is by what it would have cost me to do the same thing on cash, timesharing saves me significant dollars yearly even taking up front costs and the opportunity costs into account. But there are risks and I am well aware of those. Some of those risks are for my personal situation and some on the corporate/resort side.
I too wonder if MVC would allow it AND not either charge the points resale fee again OR unenroll any enrolled weeks. I sincerely doubt they would single out this situation though simply because of the risk of default. As for disagreement or problems with a partnership, I've seen many many problems over the years normally with such a partnership created on the buy. As presented, the OP is aware of those risks and would presumably create such documentation that handles the partnership agreement and at least lay out the expectations clearly from all angles and provide legal recourse if needed for all parties. My hesitation, in part, is that no matter the perfect partnership agreement you can't protect yourself completely from life happening or crazy. And having the legal recourse doesn't necessarily make it reasonable to use that avenue. Certainly the OP could set themselves up as the principle owner and protect themselves further assuming they were willing to pay the additional fees if someone defaulted but that would put any other owners at a disadvantage and thus make it even more difficult to find owners willing to try this which I see as the main issue anyway.