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Openly renting out an II exchange?


TUG Member
Feb 10, 2011
Reaction score
They may not care with a one time case such as the eBay poster but openly allowing it would kill the exchange business. On the surface you would think II would make the same money since an exchange fee is an exchange fee. But in reality there would be a run on valuable exchanges by people who will rent them out. This would cause all the masses that pay the annual fee to be left with only scraps. The better getaway deals would also dry up. II's revenue on annual fees would plummet.

I rent, so I tend to see this from a renters perspective, but I really dont understand this argument....There is already a run on good weeks. Most folks that want Orlando at Christmas, or Daytona for Bike Week, or New Orleans for Jazz Fest etc, etc. wont get them. and they dont show up in RCI anyway. There are only so many of these prime weeks, and it dosent make any difference whether or not somebody gets these weeks for themselves, or for their mother, or to rent...most of us wont get them..

For me the only things that I deposit to RCI is the stuff I dont use and cant rent..the very definition of scrap. and yet RCI seems to be doing ok


TUG Member
Feb 10, 2011
Reaction score
The only thing that bothers me is the blatant continual rentals of exchanges by certain people. These people don't own what they are renting, and they aren't just getting rid of an exchange they cannot use.

Change of plans is one thing, and it's really quite innocent for most people. Making a business out of renting 20+ exchanges per year is another.

Vacationbooker on eBay is taking weeks others would love to have and renting them on eBay for a huge profit. At least 20 DVC so far this year.....I know because I watch.

You can hardly make a business out of 20 rentals....Ive done like 70 so far this year, and I dont see it as much more than a hobby. I have made enough money to finance my own vacations...but thats not much of a business.

How did this Vacation broker get those weeks? Dont all the members have an equal shot at getting them. Clearly no one else wanted them, or at least wasnt willing to do the work to get them.

You seem upset that a broker got a week that you would have liked, Im upset that you get a week that I wanted..tough luck for both of us...Whats the difference?


TUG Review Crew: Expert
TUG Member
Jun 7, 2005
Reaction score
Coastal Southeast Virginia
It's simply a timeshare exchange company rule; nothing more, nothing less

You can hardly make a business out of 20 rentals....Ive done like 70 so far this year, and I dont see it as much more than a hobby. I have made enough money to finance my own vacations...but thats not much of a business.

How did this Vacation broker get those weeks? Dont all the members have an equal shot at getting them. Clearly no one else wanted them, or at least wasnt willing to do the work to get them.

You seem upset that a broker got a week that you would have liked, Im upset that you get a week that I wanted..tough luck for both of us...Whats the difference?

I agree with your whole post. I also rent and resell; but like you, it's just a profitable hobby. I believe we all have the same shot at the exchange company inventory. Some work the system harder than others do and are, thus, rewarded by getting those great exchanges.

I don't see the difference either, but I've seen this same discussion many times. I think it's more of a case that "I'm following the rules of my membership, and the other person isn't." That's life. The person that's not following the rules is taking a gamble with their membership. That's a choice they have made. Then there's those that feel the need to "police" the rule-breakers. I don't see the benefit when that energy could be put towards other endeavors, but that's me. :shrug:


TUG Member
Jun 29, 2012
Reaction score
Then there's those that feel the need to "police" the rule-breakers. I don't see the benefit when that energy could be put towards other endeavors, but that's me. :shrug:

Chances are they are just old people with a lot of time on their hands. :D

Fern Modena

TUG Lifetime Member
Jun 16, 2004
Reaction score
Southern Nevada
Ride, we've been there before. I guess you don't remember it, but I answered before as well. Madge did indeed have approval from RCI to speak for them and answer questions on TUG. She was part of their PR staff at the time. If she didn't know the answer to something, she would ask the people who did know at RCI, and then get back to us. There were some hypotheticals, of course, which she could not answer.

How do I know that she wasn't a cleaning lady, didn't even work for RCI, or something else? Well, that is because I was the one who instituted a dialog with the then-RCI President to see if they could provide a presence on our boards. There were emails back and forth from the President of RCI and several other people there asking what we were interested in and indicating how they might pparticipate. Eventually there was a telephone conference call where Madge was introduced, after which she began answering questions.

Is that clear enough? You might want to print this out in case you forget again, cause I have difficulty typing with my left hand now, and I don't know if I will want to do this again.


Who told you that she was 'official', her? IMO, she was a faceless name behind a computer....Did i ever tell you that all my posts are officially sanctioned by the World Health Organization? I'll send you a memo, to confirm...Just let me type it up real quick!

IF she had any involvement with RCI at all, i would be it was more on the level of cleaning lady then 'officially sanctioned representative'...There is just no way that anything she EVER wrote was anything more then her opinion


TUG Member
Jun 7, 2005
Reaction score
Then there's the old argument, "RCI rents out our deposits--why can't we rent out our exchanges?"

Only seems fair, doesn't it?

However, once you deposit, it belongs to the exchange company and your rights are there in the membership agreement (whether you decide to abide by them or not).