I think the protests are going to help spread the virus, for sure. Even people wearing masks were removing them and lowering them in this video. The police chief was yelling so he was spreading a lot of gems. The police chief should wear a mask and enforce social distancing but he decided that social unity was more important than social distancing at this time. For this reason, I look at what he did with a mixed opinion. What he showed was positive and uplifting for the protestors and people suffering from racism but negative for the virus. I agree that the police chief should have worn a mask and tried to show leadershiop and compassion for both racism and Covid. But I can imagine how hard it is to balance these two things at this time. I think we have a very complicated time right now so it is hard for me to evaluate. I feel like we have two catastrophes going on at once. But the racism has existed for hundreds of years and caused way too much pain, violence, poverty, arrests, incarcerations and deaths (and more) while the virus is (hopefully) a short term yet very acute disaster. The worst part of this double duty catastrophe right now is that African Americans are also suffering from disproportionately more Covid illness and death given they are more likely to be in low wage jobs and be essential workers (assuming they have not been disproportianely laid off by now). With all the human interaction at the protests and not following safety guidelines, many more African Americans may become casualties of Covid (above and beyond today) because they have been put into a vulnerable position by speaking out against the hundreds of years of racism and the many police killings. I hope I am respectfully getting my point across since this is such a loaded topic.