Frankly, I think you should seriously consider, comprehend and fully absorb the fact that
any purchase made with the sole intention of "exchanging" that week for some other time and place is a crap shoot --- at best. The goalposts are continually being moved around in the exchange game. In addition, the costs of exchanging (just like maintenance fee costs) continue to move in no direction other than
upward. How well any given week trades today could very well change tomorrow with the ever-moving RCI goalposts. Even the relatively new RCI "TPU" game
already reflects both inconsistency and illogical variability in "valuations".
You have school age children and you will presumably be constrained by and locked into school vacations for years yet to come. You are part of a very large statistical group fitting that very same description (...often with the very same vacation time periods too, I might add). With that irrefutable fact in mind, do you
really want to gamble with "buying in
hopes of successfully exchanging"? It is of course your prerogative and your choice to do so, but it could very well be a decision which you later come to regret (but cannot easily fix).
I don't mean to sound "negative", but I'd hate to see your enthusiasm to buy result in a bad purchase decision which very well may not fulfill your vacation expectations and / or needs and which perhaps cannot easily be later reversed. Pehaps giving yourself the reminder that "maintenance fees are forever" will provide some food for thought before hsatily making a purchase.