Good advice, thanks. I looked up the Statute of Limitations of debt for VA, it appears to be 5 years for written contracts although I'm not sure what if anything my wife signed.
This is the letter I plan on sending them, any thoughts on it?
My father, name here, died in 2011. Please provide evidence that I am responsible for this debt. I have no record of any communication from North Fork resort or anyone representing them. Please forward all correspondence related to this debt and all past attempts to initiate collection. I pay all my bills on time. However, I have no intention of paying obligations that I did not initiate. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter
There is a lot of really poor advice in this thread with some negative legal consequences. In many jurisdictions, communicating with a collection agency can "start the debt clock ticking" all over again.
How to Avoid Resetting The Clock On Old Debt | Bankrate
If you’ve decided to wait for the statute of limitations to expire on your debt, you can take a few steps to avoid restarting your debt’s clock.
Schedule a free consultation with an attorney experienced in this kind of matter. Maybe pay a few hundred dollars for some relevant legal advice before doing anything more.