This is the very best mask to prevent from catching the Coronavirus correct?
How many times can you were this mask and for how many hours at a time?
How many times can you were this mask and for how many hours at a time?
Hi Pedro47,This is the very best mask to prevent from catching the Coronavirus correct?
How many times can you were this mask and for how many hours at a time?
......The virus is a respiratory illness . It gains access to your lungs etc through 2 primary access points :1) your nose. 2) your mouth
YOU -self contaminate yourself after your hands touch a surface that has the virus on it - and then touch your mouth or nose .
Anything that creates a barrier to your hand to face contact will work .If you look closely at pictures from the 1918/19 Spanish Flu epidemic - you will see a lot of home made
style masks . take a washcloth & sew a string to it .
The masks you see everyone in Asia wearing on TV are effective in preventing self contamination . ........
Everything I've seen/read about the masks is that if you are sick, it helps prevent others from getting ill but it doesn't keep you from getting ill.
I have a few old ones from that I bought a few years ago to wear when cleaning in dusty areas since I am allergic to dust. I also have to wear goggles since dust in my eyes is one of the most miserable parts of my allergy. The fact that I bought a box of 10 several years ago and still have some shows you how much I enjoyed wearing them. Blech. I'm trying to get sturdier ones for my husband and his assistant, since they work up close and personal with people, but if I keep failing on getting some new ones, I'm going to give them my old decomposing ones.
This is the very best mask to prevent from catching the Coronavirus correct?
How many times can you were this mask and for how many hours at a time?
Everything I've seen/read about the masks is that if you are sick, it helps prevent others from getting ill but it doesn't keep you from getting ill.
This is completly false and the reason we are seeing the massive growth in cases. If you look at South Korea and Singapore. They mandated use and testing and killed the growth curve.Everything I've seen/read about the masks is that if you are sick, it helps prevent others from getting ill but it doesn't keep you from getting ill.
I have a few old ones from that I bought a few years ago to wear when cleaning in dusty areas since I am allergic to dust. I also have to wear goggles since dust in my eyes is one of the most miserable parts of my allergy. The fact that I bought a box of 10 several years ago and still have some shows you how much I enjoyed wearing them. Blech. I'm trying to get sturdier ones for my husband and his assistant, since they work up close and personal with people, but if I keep failing on getting some new ones, I'm going to give them my old decomposing ones.
This is once again false. Check your facts. They help but are not as effective. Do Not Spread False Information!The N95 if properly fitted will protect the wearer from the corona virus etc.
The Mask that looks like what surgeons wear will not protect the wearer from anything. They are designed to protect the patient from whatever the Doctors/Nurses breathe out.
The problem is also increased useage. Medical Centers have gone from using 1-2 a week to 40+ per day. The N95 needs to be used for High Risk Procedures only and must be protected from waste.Problem is everyone ran out and bought masks especially N95 mask, drying up the supply chain leaving out healthcare workers in the dust. Everyone has these masks in their house that will go unused because we are quarantined or in reality won’t wear them anyway. PS if you had a cold or the flu this year (Jan-today) there is a 30% chance you already had Covid19
Very true. There is also a medical evaluation to ensure the person wearing it can handle the increased impact on their respiratory system. About 70% can use the universal fit N95. 10% extra large and 20% small.I am a registered nurse and know for a fact that N95 masks have different sizes. We take a mask fit test every 2 years to make sure that that certain mask is still the right fit for you. The mask fit test is a part of our employment requirement. The first time I did a mask fit test, I went through 4 different sizes before I got to my right one.
If masks did not help the people that wear them then our health care workers wouldn't need them.
This is once again false. Check your facts. They help but are not as effective. Do Not Spread False Information!