Tons of rain this week...we are up on the hill so very little impact but I know in Harrisonburg there was a lot of flooding!
On the internet:
1) The waterpark SSID was there but I could never connect to it. Probably needed to be reset but since it was "closed" there was no one to really talk to about it.
2) For poor wifi in the condo: I think it's a combination of distance from hotspot and bandwidth. They don't offer a higher level. I am alternating between using their wifi and using my own hotspot from my cell phone (but I only have a limited amount of usage before that starts getting very expensive).
Very few people here this week. It's nice and quiet.
On the bright side: all of the dinners have been wonderful. I've been to Mixology (Monday), Beer Lovers (Tuesday), and Murder Mystery (Wed) and they've all been fantastic. Hitting the Winelovers tomorrow because...why not?